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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate size help graf _> 8090 or KOR

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Been lurking for a while... good info here!

I'm currently in a pair of Graf 704's 9.5D. Length is fine but seem narrow in the ankle for me. The best comfort is achieved when the top three holes are tight and the remaining are snug. On the top three, the eyes just cover the white of the tongue. Been in them for about three years, just never felt as good as my Daoust 301... but that was 25 yrs ago (ok, sometime I'm a legend on my own mind..).

I've been to my LHS shop, they had 8090 in 9.5D. Length was ok, but angle area was simialr to the 904's. I'm asking here as I do try to support the LHS .. but when they told me the skate only came in D width (tranlation ..all they had in stock)...they lost me.

They claimed the heat treatment would set me ankle back and all would be fine.

So .. can one of the skate fit guru's provide a comment?... or suggest a better fitting skate?

BTW ...Tried a 10D ... but toe area was too loose fit.

Thanks in advance,


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Have you tried a different model graf skate? The 705 seems a little wider in the ankle and heel area than the 704. The 709 is grafs widest and deepest fitting skate.

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Have not tried anything other than the 8090. Guess it comes down to $$$ and with the 8090's going for $230... they are in my range. Just really hesitant to order without good feeling on the right size. The LHS *seemed* more interested in clearing thier backroom than fitting me. Not much selection here in LHS ..hence this request.... The KOR is $319 on Ebay ... from what I've read, the I like the protection aspect.


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Yes, I dropped half a size when 8090 came out

Yup! got 10 in graf and 10 in bauer (supreme 8000) (maybe 2003? i onestly dont know when they made it! :lol: )

But i have also to say that grafs had a little more room.

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