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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I have used sticks with lots of blade on the ice when the stick is straight up, I can't find any that aren't extremely rockered any more. does anyone know if there any like this left? and secondly can I create my own blade? thanks

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Just talked with someone at black beauty and am ordering the stick shaft and lie detector. sounded like it was worth a try to me. i wonder what young kids would think if they could catch a pass on the backhand because they actually had some blade on the ice. thanks again for steering me to the site.

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black beauty... lie specific blades 3.5-6.0 lie on every .5


where do you live?

I'll give those guys credit, they have brass balls. We ordered some of the lower lie sticks for kids and every OPS or shafts has their website address on it, the website where they sell the stuff direct to customers.

The example here of someone just ordering directly from them and not checking out a local dealer is why I was hesitant about ordering from them in the first place.

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the website where they sell the stuff direct to customers.

The example here of someone just ordering directly from them and not checking out a local dealer is why I was hesitant about ordering from them in the first place.

though i do not disagree with your point chadd, the end user will be paying more for the product there, then they would if they purchased the product through your store.

the company was started with online full price sales... their hopes are to eventually get rid of online sales, but that is when there is good dealer base.

product is sold to dealers at wholesale price, and strongly recommended that it then be sold at msrp... you're call from there.

product is sold online at msrp plus shipping and handling.

there was a dealer that tried to sell on ebay at a cheaper price... and that dealer is no longer a black beauty acct. the company wants the product sold at full price, and does all it can to protect dealers that carry the product by maintaining the sold price.

if someone calls the company direct, and there is a dealer nearby, the company will most likely suggest they visit the local store.

they are still a young company trying to get some brand recognition... again, the hopes are to in the near future, be doing sales through local dealers only.

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thanks again for steering me to the site.

you're welcome... but as chadd states, please try to support your local dealers if any of the MINN dealers are near you!

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I'd go to a Minnesota dealer in a second, but I don't think they have the senior stuff yet.

best thing i can suggest... if you have one of the black beauty dealers near you... go in there and ask them to carry the product. from my experience a dealer is much more likely to add products to their store that they are asked for, rather then the reps telling them they should carry it. someone requests it, it means potenial sales. or once you know what lie and pattern you want, have them order it for you rather then ordering it direct.

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