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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Green Havoc

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Not quite sure if this question has been addressed before, but on monday, this player on the other team had this Havoc that was in a darker green color, the same as the ultra lite colors. The ones I have in my store are white. Does anyone know where he got that stick?

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I have not used i before but the blade looks very feeble.

A kid on my last team cracked his down the full length of his Havok blade (stuck it into Synergy Grip shaft) in a matter of practices. 5 tops perhaps. Was quite funny, he'd have to re-tape mid-practice sometimes.

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note the white havoc has a better blade than the green one. And i belive the synergy 300 or 305 is replacing the havoc, same stick better paint job. :D

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note the white havoc has a better blade than the green one. And i belive the synergy 300 or 305 is replacing the havoc, same stick better paint job. :D

Nope, the Synergy 350 replaces the Easton "The One".

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they useto have them at Canadian Tire

You sure that wasn't the Octane cause I've never seen a Havoc there before.

No i'm sure, the havok was darker green almost like the old ultra lites(even darker) and the octanes are ST grip green, i'm 100% positive it wasn't an Octane

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Michael9 is right, they were a limited edition run apperantly, green like the UL, but a full OPS. I only saw them at CT, but Sportschek now has some as well.

I believe the Synergy 300 is a Price-point OPS and the 350 is just the same stick with grip.

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My friend had one for a few of the first high school tryouts but it was on its last leg so I can't really comment on the durability since he already had a huge crack in the blade. It is slightly darker than the Ultra Lite as mentioned, more of a glossy forest green than anything.

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