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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike and Bauer Pro Stock Blades

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Hockeygiant.com has Bauer and Nike Pro Stock blades for sale for $5.99 a piece. The only thing is that you cannot choose a blade pattern...it's just luck of the draw. So should I take my chances trying to get the pattern I want or get a retail blade that I know I would get what I want.

Nike Blades- http://hockeygiant.com/nikepsbldsr.html

Bauer Blades- http://hockeygiant.com/bauerpsbldsr.html

Which should I go with in terms of performance? Which one will I have a greater chance of getting a Modano clone?

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Any wood blade lasts the same amount,its how you care for it.For $5 what are you worrying about.And all the curves are going to be wedges most likely.What maybe 10 people in the NHL use the retail Modano pattern.

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I was just going to purchase one, but shipping to canada makes it 30+. If the shipping was cheaper i would of purchased one to try it out.

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I was just going to purchase one, but shipping to canada makes it 30+. If the shipping was cheaper i would of purchased one to try it out.

yeah, shipping to canada from HG is pretty brutal...if it weren't so expensive, i'd probably buy one or two more things from them,.

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i just bought 5 of them and I hope that they are nice. If not then i will just turn them into a custom curve. Got to love that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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are the ones in the pictures with the harpoon system even pro stocks? if i ordered some i would really want the nice ones with glue and that reinforced hosel

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I ordered 8 nike pro stock sunday,and they arrived friday.I got 2 asham,2 berezin,and 4 matte{whoever that is}blades.

I'm going to have to recurve all of them because there all heel curves{which I hate}

The Asham and Berezin blades have very long hossels{I hate that too}

they're nice blades though

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Hockeygiant.com has Bauer and Nike Pro Stock blades for sale for $5.99 a piece. The only thing is that you cannot choose a blade pattern...it's just luck of the draw. So should I take my chances trying to get the pattern I want or get a retail blade that I know I would get what I want.

Nike Blades- http://hockeygiant.com/nikepsbldsr.html

Bauer Blades- http://hockeygiant.com/bauerpsbldsr.html

Which should I go with in terms of performance? Which one will I have a greater chance of getting a Modano clone?

I was by there yesterday and some of the names were Lemieux, Hejduk, Hartnell.

which location?

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I wouldnt mind trying one of these blades, Who ever purchased one, i'd buy one off of you if you wanted to sell one, that may cut back on the 30 dollar canadian hockey giant shipping charges.

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i picked up 4 gino odjick nike blades. they are nice and light and i curved one to somewhat resemble a drury. bummer that i cant try it yet because all the outdoor ice is melted right now and im not in a league.

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