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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

HockeyMonkey - GUARANTEED Best Price...

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So, despite having just purchased a new pair of skates, I have still been eying the Bauer 8090 (stiffest boot imaginable, super lite, super durable, CCM fit, sounds like a great product). So, called HockeyGiant. They have theirs for $229 (with free shipping). BUT, they have only D or EE width (no E width). I've gotten conflicting info on this and am not sure if the 8090 goes straight from D to EE, but that's another matter.

So, I call HockeyMonkey. They GUARANTEE the best price in the country on these skates : http://www.hockeymonkey.com/iceskates-bauer-sr.html - GUARANTEE it.

So I called them. Their skates are $249 (didn't bother to ask about the shipping). So, I mention that HockeyGiant has them for $229. The guy says they don't match prices (something about they'd have to call to confirm it). So, I ask you, what kind of guarantee is this? Sounds at best like PR bull$chitte, and at worse, false advertising.....

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What's funny is, some places match and some dont. I matched some stuff at 1800faceoff by telling them I saw it at Monkey. They told me they dont match with Monkey. So I told them it was the same at ePuck, they looked it up and matched it then.

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Now dont mark my words, but a few years ago i think if i remeber right, my dad got $20 off any product from either monkey or giant for telling them that they dont got the lowest price. I know he got something off, but im not sure where or how much.

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HM's just crap though. They come out and GUARANTEE the best price, only, if you find it cheaper elsewhere? No match. How is THAT a guarantee?

Now dont mark my words, but a few years ago i think if i remeber right, my dad got $20 off any product from either monkey or giant for telling them that they dont got the lowest price. I know he got something off, but im not sure where or how much.

Well, we'll see. I've written hockeymonkey to complain (even threw in an obscure "false advertising" mention"). Don't know that it will get me anything, but I will be interested to see what, if any, response I get.

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I got the same crap from them a few years ago when I ordered a pair of close-out VSi's. I don't think they match on-sale stuff, that was close to the response I got. Since the 8090's are on-sale or a close-out, they don't have to match because the price may be below Cost.

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Perhaps... but check the link I posted earlier - right on this VERY item - it GUARANTEES the lowest price in the country. HockeyGiant isn't only in the same country, but has one of their stores in the same state. What sort of guarantee is it if you can find it cheaper so easily?

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Perhaps... but check the link I posted earlier - right on this VERY item - it GUARANTEES the lowest price in the country. HockeyGiant isn't only in the same country, but has one of their stores in the same state. What sort of guarantee is it if you can find it cheaper so easily?

They're actually less than a 10 minute drive from each other to boot.

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My favorite is that they list it for crazy good prices then never have any of it in stock-not one day, I'm talking months man. I once sent some skates back UNDER WARRANTY, it took them 6 1/2 months to replace them, the reason. "We had to fire the girl in the warranty dept for not returning customers goods, I'm the new girl" :angry:

Worst customer service on THE PLANET

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Thanks to a PM from roadkill34, I was put in contact with one of HockeyMonkey's managers. He was quite cool, actually (you know how some managers are - try to pull one over on you and are NOT under the philosophy of the customer knows best) BUT that wasn't his deal.

ANYWAY, the manager explained to me that TYPICALLY they don't match prices (which I have confirmed from a link on their website). However, on that PARTICULAR item (or any item with the price guarantee) he said that they DO, in fact, match prices. He went on to appologize for the person who took my call earlier and said that he was new and didn't know about the special exception for guarantee items.

The manager was also quite helpful about my sizing question (said there is no E width - goes straight from D to EE).

SO, I hereby reneg and take HM off my $chitte list. I honestly hadn't expected them to be so forthcoming and gracious. Ultimately, I have a slight preference to HM because I've ordered from them a few more times than HG, but they will probably earn my business on this one because of their going out of their way on this one.

(p.s., thanks for the heads-up, Roadkill34!)

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Why go to HockeyMonkey when you can go to HockeyGiant? HM doesn't even accept returns on closeouts. HockeyGiant (in my exerience) has the best selection, price, and service. EPUCK is great for ancillary items (training devices, unique items, etc).

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Good question. Honestly it is as simple as they went the extra mile to give me a little customer service. Of course, if what you say is true (that they won't accept a return if they don't fit - which is always touch and go on internet orders for skates) then those does bear some extra consideration (I've tried the 9d and found the box to rub in the same area that my 1152's and S500's do - but worry about how loose the heel may be should I go with an 8090 9ee width).

I am going to try to track down a pair of 9ee's, I guess at a local store (but I always feel bad about trying them on at a store if I know they already can't compete on price - thus don't have an honest expectation of a purchase). Sure.... I almost always pick up SOMETHING in the store, and try not to get waited on by a person, but still...

Decisions... decisions....

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Just a quick one, not in term of fit(but basiclly they are suppose to be close) Which one would be the best? 8090 or Pro tack(04 or 05)

I,ve always been a tack guys(my last pair was 1152) i tried the F10 but the high cut boot was too much for me... is the 8090 the same as nike cut boot? if not, then i'm very interesting in the 8090...

I mean, in term of Performance,material,construction, which one look more durable? better made??

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Just a quick one, not in term of fit(but basiclly they are suppose to be close) Which one would be the best? 8090 or Pro tack(04 or 05)

I,ve always been a tack guys(my last pair was 1152) i tried the F10 but the high cut boot was too much for me... is the 8090 the same as nike cut boot? if not, then i'm very interesting in the 8090...

I mean, in term of Performance,material,construction, which one look more durable? better made??

The FIT is the same. The 8090 "cut" however comes up higher - especially in the tenon guard. The 8090 boot is far stiffer and a bit lighter than the pro tack from what I can tell (based on wearing them just in a shop).

I did have a 7000 skate once. If the 8090 is cut the same, I remember having issues adjusting to how high the tenon guard was on the back of my calf when skating backwards (the Tacks have always been "hinged" come top of the ankle boot while the 7000 was hard plastic all the way up to the top).

I would imagine that materials and durability for the two are about the same.

Performance would be based on how it complements your skating style. Bauers, typically, have the skaters more on their heel, while the CCM has a "nuetral" boot pitch (in regards to it is somewhere between leaving the skater on his/her heel and toe in comparison).

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being blessed to be within in 20 minutes of either store, this surprises me. i buy at hockey monkey most of thetime because of their in-store customer service. everytime i buy something there, they are very helpful and know what they are talking about. giant on the other hand is 50/50. i have to find a worker to help me and sometimes the kid doesnt even know about the product i want. it could just be bad timing because usually the manager at HM helps me. GIant defintely has the edge on pricing though, so unless giant and monkey have the same price i will still buy at the cheaper store

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Regarding the 8090's: I wear a 9EE on the Vapor line. I purchased a 9D on the 8090's- had them stretched and they fit better than the Vapor's.


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Thats just a normal thing, the 8090 is the widest skate on the market and a Vapor EE is a 8090 D, a 8090 EE is like a Vapor EEE (which is very comfy for some guys)

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Over the past years Ive liked to stick with Total Hockey. Even though they are the most expensive store. Ive been to their store in ST. Louis, and since then Ive bought everything from their online store or that store. May be stupid, but just a habit.

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