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Reebok 9k Gloves?!?

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I was just browsing around and I thought, what is Reebok comes out with 9k gloves with integrated Pump system. As some of you may know in the 90's Reebok in association with Rawling took out a baseball glove with a Pump system for a tighter fit. I personally have that baseball glove at home and it's great because of the air pocket the pump creates you get added protection, so what would you guy's think about Pump hockey gloves?!?

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The protection woudn't only be air, there would also be regular padding just like the old Easton Air's had back in the days. The pump and it would probably hold up the same way it does on skates. They have done it on skates and on baseball gloves so I don't see why they coudn't do it on gloves. The Pump in my mind could be situated on the inner upper padding.

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The protection woudn't only be air, there would also be regular padding just like the old Easton Air's had back in the days.  The pump and it would probably hold up the same way it does on skates.  They have done it on skates and on baseball gloves so I don't see why they coudn't do it on gloves.  The Pump in my mind could be situated on the inner upper padding.

BNH used air for the their gloves for a long time for added protection, so that's definately possible, but it seems like it'd be hard to make something that would make the glove fit better (considering hockey gloves are a lot stiffer than baseball gloves)

EDIT : easton also, though it seems like both companies have moved away from that

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That would be fun. In fact that Easton Air-pad that they used in the GX series was pretty nice. When I discarted my last pair, I cut them out and put them in a pair of Louisville gloves. I still have both pads around and am tinkering with the idea of putting them in my XXX next. It really adds comfort and protection but these made me sweat like crazy.

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I think they'd be pretty neat looking forward to their release

BTW, they probably aren't going to be on the 9k's, it was just a thought I had. I know they probably could be made, but it was just my imagination of The Pump beeing put on them since they already integrated The Pump on the new 9k skates and the new 8k and 6k rollers.

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Then i'd think you see 9k Protective Gear as in Shoulders Shins etc.. with the pump intergrated into it somehow. Along with a new Pump helmet.

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