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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood SOP

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i've been thinking about it for a while now and I'm looking for SOP's in the future. When you order SOPs how does it work? Do you just choose the stick model like SherWood 5030, 9550 etc; and then ask them to put your name and curve on the stick or what? If you do have to choose different sticks is the quality different or do you just get the graphics for your stick and do each models cost more or less than the other? I'm not sure on how this whole process works.. If someone could enlighten me on the steps to ordering SOPs that would be great.


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1)You can get 5030(85),7000(95),9500(115)..........(Flex)

2)Anything you want done to the Blade(Curve,Shape)

3)Custom Colors(1 Full,or Two Tone(ex:White Shaft/Black Blade))

-Shaft Color,Letter Color,Letter Outline Color

4)Name on Stick

5)Minimum order of 12

6)5030($35),7000($45),9500($55).....Prices are a rough estimate per stick

Hope that helps.

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1)You can get 5030(85),7000(95),9500(115)..........(Flex)

2)Anything you want done to the Blade(Curve,Shape)

3)Custom Colors(1 Full,or Two Tone(ex:White Shaft/Black Blade))

-Shaft Color,Letter Color,Letter Outline Color

4)Name on Stick

5)Minimum order of 12

6)5030($35),7000($45),9500($55).....Prices are a rough estimate per stick

Hope that helps.

can you ask for them to black out the shaft completely with no letters and just get them to keep the blade area the natural wood colour or do they require you to have at least some part of Sher-Wood showing? And also do you have an idea of how light the 5030 is? What would the weight be compared to the most in retail sticks?

thanks again

edit: oh and those are CDN prices right?

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they will do a black shaft with natural blade.Just ask for black lettering so the Sher-Wood is still there but you wont see it.They cant say no to that.USD prices and the 5030 is their lightest and shortest stick.

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You should send the exact blade as you like it. Take that to the dealer because Sher-wood needs to see the sample of exactly what you want. You only need to cut the stick to the size of a replacement blade. You can do anything you want to the blade you send as your sample. For example, if you need to rasp or shave the bottom of the blade to get the lie exactly as you like it, do it. If you want to add curve to the blade, heat it up exactly as you want it. If you want the toe rounded, shave it off exactly as you want it. These are all the things to do to make your stick custom to exactly what you want. I used to get 7000 SOP all the time. Its great to get a dozen sticks with your name and your pattern.

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You can't change the flex, I don't know about the length but I remember Darkstar saying that he had shortened SOP's. Obviously if you get a longer 7000 it is going to be whippier a shorter stick will be stiffer.

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1. Minimum for Momentums? Don't know, would have to call tomorrow.

2. I think you could get the 5030/7000 longer if requested. The 7000 could also probably be made stiffer although that is a ? for Denis Drolet.

3. I used to spec my 7000 to 48" because I use a wicked short stick to keep the puck close to my body for stick handling.

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Its great to get a dozen sticks with your name and your pattern.

Sure would be, too bad it'd cost me upwards of $500 USD...

Christian does them cheaper and only has 6 as a minimum. At full price on customs, ($28) it's only $168 for six sticks.

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so basically can i just specify say if i want like 52" length?

also for blade can i just buy like a samsonov retail 4000rb, modify a litttle bit and just send that in?

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so basically can i just specify say if i want like 52" length?

also for blade can i just buy like a samsonov retail 4000rb, modify a litttle bit and just send that in?

You should be able to. From what I know, they take pretty much anything and make it to your liking, or can replicate any existing retail pattern...

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Its great to get a dozen sticks with your name and your pattern.

Sure would be, too bad it'd cost me upwards of $500 USD...

If you want to dance, you've got to pay the band.

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Is that direct information? If so, I must be getting the old hook-up then...

Thats what I got from Sher-Wood. What kind of Momentum are you getting.The XComp?

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Its great to get a dozen sticks with your name and your pattern.

Sure would be, too bad it'd cost me upwards of $500 USD...

Christian does them cheaper and only has 6 as a minimum. At full price on customs, ($28) it's only $168 for six sticks.

chadd does christian also do complete blackouts on the shaft with natural colour blades?

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I'm not even sure, I just told the guy the specs and he said I'll have my sticks within a week...

One week turnarond is ACE. Don't you feel like a pro? :lol:

Hey, it is nice...

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Its great to get a dozen sticks with your name and your pattern.

Sure would be, too bad it'd cost me upwards of $500 USD...

Christian does them cheaper and only has 6 as a minimum. At full price on customs, ($28) it's only $168 for six sticks.

chadd does christian also do complete blackouts on the shaft with natural colour blades?

I haven't seen a manufacturer who would black everything out. If you want that look, buy some krylon.

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One cool look is a black stick with the lettering in black with silver outlines. I guess you could go dark blue if you wanted it to look all stealthy and almost black.

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