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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help on skate size

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I just picked up some S500's and love them. I have been wearing them around my house for a few days and Im starting to worry that they are too big. I wear around a 8.5 to a 9 in some shoes and thought the 8.5 should be perfect. I am curious to know how much room a person should have behind the heels when the foot is pushed all the way forward? Im able to get a finger width between the two and Im concerned that I should go with the 8. Anyone know about the S500's? I was told they run true to shoe size. :huh: G

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how many fingers, or how much wiggle room are you supposed to have anyways? I can get almost 2 fingers between my foot and the heel of the skate.

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how many fingers, or how much wiggle room are you supposed to have anyways? I can get almost 2 fingers between my foot and the heel of the skate.

proper fit is ZERO fingers between your heel and the back of the skate. If you are still growing then one finger is common, not more than that.

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how many fingers, or how much wiggle room are you supposed to have anyways? I can get almost 2 fingers between my foot and the heel of the skate.

proper fit is ZERO fingers between your heel and the back of the skate. If you are still growing then one finger is common, not more than that.

Whoa. My skates are WAY too big then. What a shame. Does Nike/Bauer tend to run 1.5 sizes smaller than shoe?

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Here's a question. How much wider do skates get as they get bigger? Im asking because the 8.5 EE S500's that I have are the perfect width just maybe a touch to long. If I go to an 8 EE will the width be the same? Sorry for the question, just not an informed skate guy. G

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The skates will be uniformly smaller in all dimensions, I believe. I.E., it will be proportionately smaller. However, the difference between an 8.5 and an 8 can't be that much I would imagine. AND... you could always get them stretched if the minor size diff is an issue.

Just noticed that this was my 1,000th post... MAN, I think I may need to re-evaluate the way I choose to spend my free time.... :D

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I have the S500s. My feet are a 10.5 the skates are a 9.0 and the fit is perfect(that means that when standing there is no room at the heel and toes feather the toe cap).

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