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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick wax

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hey, ive been using stick wax on and off, mostly on my blade, but havnt been able to tell if it imroving my game or not, it does however allow the tape to last longer.

i have also tried it on my shaft and it is quite good, but too sticky at first.

just want others peoples opinions about it? any tips? should you apply lots on the blade or little?

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I used to wax my blade, but then realized it didn't really do anything for me so I just stopped. I sometimes put alittle on my shaft to add a little grip too.

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Some people say that using wax on a wood blade will help it last longer by keeping some of the moisture out. It also helps fight snow and ice clinging to your blade, which in turn helps the puck stick to it.

My advice is to use a lighter to melt the wax into the tape. You will probably have better results then.

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If I don't wax my tape it doesn't last a full period, let alone a game. By waxing my tape, it usually lasts a full game. It does seem to add a little grip and help me put more spin on the puck.

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I find that waxing the bottom of the blade help my slap shot however sometimes wax can be too sticky and cause the puck to stick on the blade a little longer.

What i think.

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If you want a product that waterproofs and protects tape very well, that reduces buildup and also adds just a little texture or grip, try BLADESPRAY. It's a clear spray. You basically soak your new tape with it, and let it cure. Many of my customers swear by it.

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If you want a product that waterproofs and protects tape very well, that reduces buildup and also adds just a little texture or grip, try BLADESPRAY. It's a clear spray. You basically soak your new tape with it, and let it cure. Many of my customers swear by it.

Isnt? this stuff they sell for 10 plus 10 of shipping on ebay?? that is black and have a little grit texture on it!?

They say to spray it without tape...

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If you want a product that waterproofs and protects tape very well, that reduces buildup and also adds just a little texture or grip, try BLADESPRAY.  It's a clear spray.  You basically soak your new tape with it, and let it cure.  Many of my customers swear by it.

Isnt? this stuff they sell for 10 plus 10 of shipping on ebay?? that is black and have a little grit texture on it!?

They say to spray it without tape...

no that stuff is different. It's designed to be the grip on your blade. It has like grit in it I guess. Bladespray is designed as a liquid to go on and make the tape last longer.

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If you want a product that waterproofs and protects tape very well, that reduces buildup and also adds just a little texture or grip, try BLADESPRAY.  It's a clear spray.  You basically soak your new tape with it, and let it cure.  Many of my customers swear by it.

Isnt? this stuff they sell for 10 plus 10 of shipping on ebay?? that is black and have a little grit texture on it!?

They say to spray it without tape...

no that stuff is different. It's designed to be the grip on your blade. It has like grit in it I guess. Bladespray is designed as a liquid to go on and make the tape last longer.

It's from the makers of Miraclestone, isn't it? Or is that something different?

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Bladespray is not from Miraclestone. It is also not a spray on tape. It's a tape protector. www.bladespray.com

For how much do you sell it?? i'm sure this is a great product...but still... 19cnd for can...!?? can i get it cheaper?

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Bladespray is not from Miraclestone.  It is also not a spray on tape.  It's a tape protector.  www.bladespray.com

For how much do you sell it?? i'm sure this is a great product...but still... 19cnd for can...!?? can i get it cheaper?

I sell it in the store for $7.99 a can. With all the dealers in canada, you should be able to find it cheaper than $19 cdn. Must be all the BS taxes you got up there!

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