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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your hockey magazine

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In the uk we only really have one ice hockey magazine, but where you like, whats your magazine? is it widely distributed? and most of all is it any good?

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I have had a supcription to the hockey news for almost 4 years know, awesome magazine!!!!!!!!!! I would recommend it to anyone. and i works out to less than a 1,50$ per issue

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Nick23 - MSH used to have an equipment column on Face-Off. they have merged with Powerplay, but I decided not to write for them anymore.

fair enough, shame i missed it, always looking for advice on kit, im useless :rolleyes:

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Nick23 - MSH used to have an equipment column on Face-Off. they have merged with Powerplay, but I decided not to write for them anymore.

its a shame JR, i use to love to read your columns, i got the itech cage you advised and my msh heliums are on their way

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simmesy is the guy from the steelers, just an overall, he does have some good points, but just controvertial, and i just am not a steelers fan, although maxi and robbo are there now :(

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