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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vector stickers

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i bought a vector 110 the other day, got a wicked deal and couldn't resist, and i peeled all the stickers off because i like the look of the solid blue stick more. my question is, after peeling the stickers off, some left a sticky residue on the shaft, and i'm wondering what's the best way to get it off? just hardwork of rubbing it off with my hands, or is there an easier way?

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or you can be like me,.. when i got my vector shaft i peeled the warranty off it because by the time i got it the warranty expired.. I didn't know what to do so when I was watching TV i started peeling it off with my fingers. I don't recommend that :D

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I just used some diluted paint thinner (I think I used recordsol?), got it on a shop towel, wipe down the whole shaft, let it sit for a minute or two, then got a cloth with some soapy water and wiped it off. Literally took me 10 minutes start to finish including cleanup and diluting the paint thinner to clean the entire shaft.

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Whoooah. I like the look of the black/grey kevlar weave under there!!!!

Reminds me of old z-bubble and UL's.

Any way to completely remove the blue paint?

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You could sand it down, but if you can find a chemical that is strong enough to peel off that paint I would be questioning what it's doing to the carbon underneath.

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Rubbing alcohol will take the glue off of the shaft Just pour some rubbing alcohol onto a cloth and wipe the shaft until the glue is gone.

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Just leave it. It will add a little tackyness for your next game/practice and afterwards will rub off by itself...at least it did for me.

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