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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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where to find graf 705 shoulders?

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I am getting new shoulder pads and I want the old 705 grafs, I think thats what there called. There all black and are nice small, light, mobile, and have small caps. I found some on ebay but there a newer model or something and have way more padding. If I can't find them I'll have to look into nike v10's or bauer 8000's. Also I am trying to find them for a reasonable price. Thanks.

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They way overpriced, I had 703s that I got for dealer cost a couple years ago and I still overpaid for them.

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I guess the ones on ebay are the same, I guess that I have never seen them with the added stomache protection.


those are what I am looking at, but still they seem a bit on the steep side. Why are they so much? Anyone have any at there LHS for a cheaper price. If I remember correctly my buddy got some last year for around $50.

Maybe I should just go with the nike v10s, them seem pretty nice. I can also get them for like $40.

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I guess the ones on ebay are the same, I guess that I have never seen them with the added stomache protection. 


those are what I am looking at, but still they seem a bit on the steep side.  Why are they so much?  Anyone have any at there LHS for a cheaper price.  If I remember correctly my buddy got some last year for around $50.

Maybe I should just go with the nike v10s, them seem pretty nice.  I can also get them for like $40.

If I remember correctly, dealer cost on them was way over $50. Graf just charges too much for the pads.

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Alright I'll check into the v10s and 8000's. Them are the only 2 that I can think of that are really light, mobile, protective, and have small caps.

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8000s all the way i love em.... this is my 2nd year with them, i bought rbk 7k's a couple months ago, tried them, then went back to the 8000s... so light yet so protective, perfect pad

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