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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Shaft/Blade Combo

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IMO the 5k is mediocre, bad balance decent shot.

Are there some more opinions on the 5K shaft? for some reason it is almost as cheap as an easton octane here in europe (and half as much as the ultra lite).

I remember someone said they would feel "dead" after a while, but others said it is a nice shaft?!

(its not easy to seach for "rbk" or "5k" in this forum ..)

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IMO the 5k is mediocre, bad balance decent shot.

Are there some more opinions on the 5K shaft? for some reason it is almost as cheap as an easton octane here in europe (and half as much as the ultra lite).

I remember someone said they would feel "dead" after a while, but others said it is a nice shaft?!

(its not easy to seach for "rbk" or "5k" in this forum ..)

It's not easy to search for anything in this forum.

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I've been using Z-Bubbles with Z-Carbon blades going on 6yrs next Feb.

I've tried everything else just name it. The only stick that has come slightly close to that combo in terms of performance has been my new XN10 OPS which I've only used in 2 games so far and have averaged 3 points per game since(all assists though) I would imagine the R2 XN10 would be similar but I'll give it some more time just to be fair to the Z-Bubble. The only thing is those bloody Z-Carb blades discontinued Shanny and Iggy and really can't get used to Modano. Plus for what they're charging in Canada 89.00 + tax comes to 103.00. You can find a pretty good OPS like I did with my XN10 at National Sports for that price.

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Bekster: The reason in price difference between Easton and Rbk is due to bad distribution and min. number of orders pr.product/size etc. Easton is flat out terrible in that deparment, good friends with a LHS so I know.

Just look at Easton and Rbk prices on similar products in the states and compare those same products in EU.

Such a same :(

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IMO the 5k is mediocre, bad balance decent shot.

Are there some more opinions on the 5K shaft? for some reason it is almost as cheap as an easton octane here in europe (and half as much as the ultra lite).

I remember someone said they would feel "dead" after a while, but others said it is a nice shaft?!

(its not easy to seach for "rbk" or "5k" in this forum ..)

I found the 5K shaft to be dead. It lacked feel and a quality flex point (there's a flex point, it's just not a quality one). I tried the shaft with 4 different blades (2 composite and 2 wood) and with each one I came away with the opinion that Rbk needed to head back to the lab on the 5K shaft.

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If you buy the G10 and RC blade together, I'm quite confident you'll be happy. That's basically a G1, which is an outstanding stick.

PM Chadd or Jimmy, as they're selling the shafts and blades.

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I'm a big fan of the Bauer Vapor XV shaft with a TPS R2 Comp blade or a novius tapered shaft with an inno or L2 blade...nice balance on both combos.

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