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Best palm material?

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I was just wondering what material is the best for a hockey glove.

Iam thinking goat skin or soemthing like that, right now i have nash and kangaroo skin on my plam.

So i was just wondering waht was the best

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A lot of people still prefer natural leather. Its pretty much always personal preference. I wouldn't mind trying Digital Pittards.

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Guest phillyfan

I've heard a lot of positive feedback on the Digital, but Nash works for me.

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Goatskin. Been going strong since October, and still no smell or even marks on the palm. Plus they feel good too :)

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A lot of people still prefer natural leather. Its pretty much always personal preference. I wouldn't mind trying Digital Pittards.

I think, but I'm not positive, that Digital is just a thinner form of natural leather. Can anyone confirm this or unconfirm it?

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pittards digital baby. Mine is in great shape but i rotate with my other pair of eagles. If i used them full time (6 skates a week) they would definitely be ripped to shreds.

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A lot of people still prefer natural leather.  Its pretty  much always personal preference.  I wouldn't mind trying Digital Pittards.

I think, but I'm not positive, that Digital is just a thinner form of natural leather. Can anyone confirm this or unconfirm it?

Digital is not flat, it has tiny spots that are raised above the surface of the plam.

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The new Mustang palms are pretty nice. They dont have that weird feel of goatskin (I cant explain it), they are very soft, and dont smell (supposivly). They are from eagle, and come standard on Paragons

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A lot of people still prefer natural leather.  Its pretty  much always personal preference.  I wouldn't mind trying Digital Pittards.

I think, but I'm not positive, that Digital is just a thinner form of natural leather. Can anyone confirm this or unconfirm it?

Digital is not flat, it has tiny spots that are raised above the surface of the plam.

Yea I know that, but I meant is it real leather or is it synthetic like nash?

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right now i have nash and kangaroo palm and if i was going to get sheep skin palms how much would it cost me in Canadain currency?

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ambro, Pittard's Digital is synthetic. BTW, the Digitech on the new Response Plus gloves is somewhat similar. It also has a structured ("hi-lo") surface. But it's not as thin as Pittard's (which will make it last longer because Pittard's won't hold up well).

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ambro, Pittard's Digital is synthetic. BTW, the Digitech on the new Response Plus gloves is somewhat similar. It also has a structured ("hi-lo") surface. But it's not as thin as Pittard's (which will make it last longer because Pittard's won't hold up well).

Ok. I thought it was real leather just digitally made thinner with the raised dots on the surface. Maybe we should email Pittards and ask if their Digital is real leather or not. I thought they only used real leather with their products, but I'm probably wrong.

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wat kind of palms do eagle x70's have

and the eagle special edition x70's

Try putting in some effort in finding the answer for yourself. Not trying to be a jerk but any online retailer that has these gloves will list the palm specs.

EDIT: Alright I just realized that you're new here. Both models come in double nash and goatskin palms normally. You can also custom order to get whatever palm material you want. Just give a little more effort next time and welcome to the board.

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