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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer's Modano/Forsberg Clone?

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I seem to be getting conflicting information between sources. Some sources cite Bauer's PM9 as a mid-heel Modano/Forsberg clone while others indicate that the P88 is the Modano/Forsberg clone. Does anybody definitively know which it is?

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I noticed the P88 curve on the XXX Lite was getting bigger, starting to look Coffey like! The XXX Lite P88 was not the P88 curve I have previously seen. I thought the PM9 XXX Lite curve did match up to "traditional" Modo curve.

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I noticed the P88 curve on the XXX Lite was getting bigger, starting to look Coffey like! The XXX Lite P88 was not the P88 curve I have previously seen. I thought the PM9 XXX Lite curve did match up to "traditional" Modo curve.

It makes sense considering they have a new manufacturer making them.

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The Hossa is a lot closer to a Modano than the Lindros. I still remember when the Lindros was basically what the Hossa is now and the Modano changed to be Easton's answer to the Lindros.

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