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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I was looking around and didn't see an introduction topic or thread so...this is my first post. Someone told me about this site and I just started to go through it. I'm from Nebraska so I'm one of the dozen guys that plays here LOL. I'm almost 20 5'11" around 170 lbs. I'm a huge easton fanatic. I play with a Synergy SL grip, forsberg curve. I also play with iginla curve. Right handed shot. I play in the MCHL league in Omaha, great bunch of guys. I also play roller hockey for Fremont, and also for the Bethany Goalbusters occasionally in Missouri. I played in State Wars back in June and thought it was a total waste of time for me. The tournament was fun but the team sucked. Anyways, that's my intro.

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Yeah easton! I take crap for it alot, but it has the best feel for me. I forgot to mention that i work at a theatre and constantly see movies. I'm also a huge family guy and halo fan. I started using easton when i got an ultralite shaft, over a year ago, and loved it.

Edit* Oh and I just remembered that a certain member on this site **cough(rustybender)cough** is the one that i personally blame for putting a titanium plate in my face.

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