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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is there a reason you wear the number you wear

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mine is just the first number i ever got. Once i got my first jersey, i loved the ol' 38. Now it's all i wear on my back, kinda like a badge of pride or something.

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I wear a variety of numbers. Usually my favorite players.

20 - Richard Zednik

26 - Pierre Dagenais ( I think I play exactly like this guy in every way, especially in the skating department)

11- First number I ever wore. Also a fan of Koivu and Alfredsson.

43- Have never worn this number, but I like it because of Brisebois.

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#14 since I was born on the 14th. But on one of my teams I have to switch to another number since #14 was taken. So I went with #75, the year I was born.

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I wear 22, been wearing at least 1 '2' as long as i remmeber. My fav player Brett hull had it his first yr with Dallas, and 16 and 17 were taken. I get Dagenais comparisons also, but meh, waddya want.

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