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NHL a joke?

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The new NHL is no go for fans this year if you ask me. The new and improved league has not impressed me one bit. The refs call everything they see. The new rules have ruined the game. I havent watched one full game yet but from the highlights i see, its terrible. Anyway let me know what you think about the new league and is it worth watching?

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Consensus is that the new rules provide better flow and more offensive opportunities which in turn create more excitement. If you're on the Todd Simpson bandwagon you might prefer the clutching and grabbing BS NHL of old.

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I've found I enjoy watching teams I don't care about more than I like watching my own team. The refereeing seems too inconsistant for me to enjoy games that mean something. I'm a Leafs fan and the 9-6 win the other night must've been awesome for other people, but I hated it because of the officiating... both ways. Calls are impacting games. If I don't care about the game it's great, but when I do, it's awful. It will definately help new fans come on board, but I do think they'll start to lose some old ones. It's just a question of whether the numbers will increase, decrease, or stay the same and it looks like they are increasing.

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Consensus is that the new rules provide better flow and more offensive opportunities which in turn create more excitement. If you're on the Todd Simpson bandwagon you might prefer the clutching and grabbing BS NHL of old.

With the new rules ( and me being a huge roller hockey fan ), I like the game more because it brings the two different games together. Roller and Ice are two totally diff. games ( not the basics but the strategies ) so With the NHL's new rules it lets ICe hockey have more offensive oppurtunities. Lets them pro's show off the pretty plays more then the --go in and shoot, rebound--

Will there some day be a game with roller hockey rules on ice? No icing, no blueline offsides and maybe no hitting, I really like the hitting actually, but I would like to see a league where the offsides and icing are gone. Not saying the NHL should change to this, but I beleive that roller hockey would become alot more popular and the two sports would be closer together, and mainly "pure ice men" will stop bashing on the sport of roller hockey. This is in my world though B)

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I would like to see a bit more hitting and physical play- In the games I watch, which happen to not be the wild western games. I also hate one rule, which is how the defense cannot abuse fowards in front of the net

The hitting that you want to see will start in April, Game 1 Play-offs. Guys will be getting wasted on the wall, center ice will be open season, and the trainers will be busy with ice packs after the game. As for the front of the net, one TV guy mentioned a pretty good idea for D men. Give them between the hash marks to the goal crease to do what they always did to attackers: make them pay the price. I thought that was an interesting idea that will probably never happen.

With no NHL last night, I watched some of Canada Cup 87 CCCP/Canada Game 2 Finals. The speed was great from these elite players but the stick work and slashing on the arms, hooking around the body, and constant tugs and pulls was out of control. All the guys had long cuff gloves and they needed them. It was brutal to see this but these games were really the last of the great wars between CCCP and Canada.

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If you like the clutch and grab trap system then this NHL is not for you.If you like run and gun NHL this is the game for you.Unless you are a Devil or Wild fan then I dont know wrere you fit.For me I love the new game a hook is a hook.The same guys seem to be taking penalties maybe they cant cut it in the NEW NHL.Still better then watching a damn baseball game.

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Its really growing on me. I think some of the offensive talent that was smothered by the clutching and grabbing of the old NHL is really showing and we're seeing some really pretty goals, which are always nice to see. It may be no go for some of the hardcore fans, but for the general public, dangles+goals=fans

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My only problem is they aren't calling penalties consistently enough, so players aren't being broken of bad habits.

The only ones to blame are the players, because they know a hook is a hook; regardless of how much chirping they do when they go to the box, they know a hook is a hook.

So stop clutching, grabbing, hooking, slashing, etc, and start skating faster and hitting harder.

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My only problem is they aren't calling penalties consistently enough, so players aren't being broken of bad habits.

The only ones to blame are the players, because they know a hook is a hook; regardless of how much chirping they do when they go to the box, they know a hook is a hook.

So stop clutching, grabbing, hooking, slashing, etc, and start skating faster and hitting harder.

My thoughts EXACTLY!

I am at an absolute loss how some hockey fans can prefer the old NHL which was DOMINATED by the generic hard working/hard nosed "Mike Keanes" to todays game where talent IS actually a factor... <_<

But I'm also sick of officials (seemingly) all pulling in different directions who keep allowing and DISallowing the SAME STUFF in different games... This must stop!!!

Summatively though, the new NHL is moving in the right direction and is 10 times the old one...

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The new NHL is no go for fans this year if you ask me. The new and improved league has not impressed me one bit. The refs call everything they see. The new rules have ruined the game. I havent watched one full game yet but from the highlights i see, its terrible. Anyway let me know what you think about the new league and is it worth watching?

Who's your favorite team. Maybe that will help us understand why you dont like the game. Any devils in there right mind would hate the game.

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I can respect your opinion, I like it, It is a work in progress. The refs need to loosen up a bit but the clutch and grabbing did need to go. I love the speed of the game. :D

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I'm all for the new rules. Yes, there ARE too many penalties, but once the players get it through their heads that refs aren't fooling around with the obstruction penalties, the penalties will go down. The new rules actually allow players with skill to wdo well and showcase hat they have, and entertain the fans. You're one of the only people i've seen that dislikes the new style game.

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With the new rules ( and me being a huge roller hockey fan ), I like the game more because it brings the two different games together. Roller and Ice are two totally diff. games ( not the basics but the strategies ) so With the NHL's new rules it lets ICe hockey have more offensive oppurtunities. Lets them pro's show off the pretty plays more then the --go in and shoot, rebound--

Will there some day be a game with roller hockey rules on ice? No icing, no blueline offsides and maybe no hitting, I really like the hitting actually, but I would like to see a league where the offsides and icing are gone. Not saying the NHL should change to this, but I beleive that roller hockey would become alot more popular and the two sports would be closer together, and mainly "pure ice men" will stop bashing on the sport of roller hockey. This is in my world though

I hope this will never happen.

Why not some roller game with ice rules?

I think that the new NHL it's better (totally personal opinion), but i think that it will take some time to adapt to the new rules; and i mean for everyone from referees to players.

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