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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tuuk custom + or lightspeeds

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I have a pair of synergy 1300c skates and i hate the easton holders and steel. Should i mount the custom + or is it worth the extra bucks for the lightspeeds? is there really that much of a weight/performance difference?

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JR Boucicaut Posted on Dec 25 2005, 02:49 PM

  Custom + would be the clean install...LS is trickier...too many holes overlap. 

Don`t the holes on the TUUK Custom + and LS holders fall in the exact same spot??? I think it`s the case.

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JR Boucicaut Posted on Dec 25 2005, 02:49 PM

  Custom + would be the clean install...LS is trickier...too many holes overlap. 

Don`t the holes on the TUUK Custom + and LS holders fall in the exact same spot??? I think it`s the case.

No, they do not.

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Once again this is personal preference if you find the lightspeeds will be worth that extra bucks go buy them but if you have a feeling the TUUK custom+ might turn out and give better performance go for thos instead ur the one skating on those skates we arent. but i have synergy 1300c skates and i have the Tuuk customs, never have i had any problems

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I have a pair of the 1300's and a pair of the older Easton Airs and haven't had any problems with the RazorBladz II blade holders or blades to date. I've taken some hard shots off of the ones on my Snergys and they've held up fine. I don't understand why you would want to spend money to switch them if you have had no structural problems with them. You might want to get them recontoured to feel more like Bauers, because your more back on your heels with Bauers. Easton tends to have a slightly more forward lean to them, a tad more than CCM, but not quite as severe as Grafs. It will save you having to remove and revit the blade holder. ;)

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i have a pair of Kors and im wondering if you can put the tuuks custom + on them?? I havent really done research on it, but since they can fit on the synergies i dont see why they wont fit on the kors.

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i have a pair of Kors and im wondering if you can put the tuuks custom + on them?? I havent really done research on it, but since they can fit on the synergies i dont see why they wont fit on the kors.

You can put a custom+ on the Kor without any problems but it's a downgrade from the Pitch. This is coming from someone who used to swear by tuuks.

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I have used both and like the LS2 more. I have been using the LS2 for almost a year now and have had no problems with them. Although others have had problems with Durability.

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