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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got Grosek's skates by accident (kind of).........

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Hit the LHS Friday to pick out some new wheels and since they had marked down the Vector Pros, I figured I'd try them on. After trying those plus a couple other makes and models I decided on the Vector Pros. Right when we went to bake and do the FIT machine the kid notices a sticker on the outsole. Turns out these skates were made for Grosek when he was with the B's. CCM had delivered them to the B's during the first round against Montreal and being up 3-1, he figured he'd have a few days to work them in before the second round. Well, we all know the Habs came back. Grosek never wore the skates and the B's just traded the untouched skates to my LHS in exchange for some services that they owed them for.

One weird thing on the skates, on three of the four sides they have the Vector Pro logo and on the fourth is the Vector 7.0 logo.

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Yea I got Kevin Dineen's skates from the Skate 3 pro shop in a very similiar way years ago ... like 85 or so :(.

Didnt know they were his until I noticed his name and number at the bottom of the skate. Still have them ...

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Hit the LHS Friday to pick out some new wheels and since they had marked down the Vector Pros, I figured I'd try them on. After trying those plus a couple other makes and models I decided on the Vector Pros. Right when we went to bake and do the FIT machine the kid notices a sticker on the outsole. Turns out these skates were made for Grosek when he was with the B's. CCM had delivered them to the B's during the first round against Montreal and being up 3-1, he figured he'd have a few days to work them in before the second round. Well, we all know the Habs came back. Grosek never wore the skates and the B's just traded the untouched skates to my LHS in exchange for some services that they owed them for.

One weird thing on the skates, on three of the four sides they have the Vector Pro logo and on the fourth is the Vector 7.0 logo.

Sounds like factory seconds. Rejects. Some store sell them as first line skates. One guy came into my store witrh a pair of vector pro's with prolite 3 holders. The LHS he bought them at told him they just came in from CCM that day. Ya, right! If it smells like fish.......

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Hit the LHS Friday to pick out some new wheels and since they had marked down the Vector Pros, I figured I'd try them on.  After trying those plus a couple other makes and models I decided on the Vector Pros.  Right when we went to bake and do the FIT machine the kid notices a sticker on the outsole.  Turns out these skates were made for Grosek when he was with the B's.  CCM had delivered them to the B's during the first round against Montreal and being up 3-1, he figured he'd have a few days to work them in before the second round.  Well, we all know the Habs came back.  Grosek never wore the skates and the B's just traded the untouched skates to my LHS in exchange for some services that they owed them for.

One weird thing on the skates, on three of the four sides they have the Vector Pro logo and on the fourth is the Vector 7.0 logo.

Sounds like factory seconds. Rejects. Some store sell them as first line skates. One guy came into my store witrh a pair of vector pro's with prolite 3 holders. The LHS he bought them at told him they just came in from CCM that day. Ya, right! If it smells like fish.......

Skepticism understood. But this wasn't a case of trying to sell skates by tossing out the "made for a pro" story. I had already decided on them before we noticed the sticker on the bottom of the outsole and the factory sticker on the skate box.

Plus, this is a shop that has done work for the B's for ages. One funny thing I heard from them on a day when I saw Paul Coffey in there to buy skates for his little girl. After he left, one of the guys I've skated with that worked there said he was the biggest pain to deal with. When his skates were in the shop, I guess Coffey would call constantly to make sure Wayne was the one there doing his skates.

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