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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer XXX Team Canada

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Give credit to whbd18. He posted this last week.

I wish it was cheaper.Ill stick to buying sticks for under $100.

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Like I said last week, I wish they still made P02/Pronger. I got pumped when I saw it on the top list but then it wasn't available which I thought was correct. Oh well, back to Easton Lids.

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there so sweet feeling, im grabbin mine monday

Can someone please explain to me why a person would pay $220 for a stick that is selling elsewhere for $180? And with all the durability problems Bauer's been having lately, to buy a more expensive, potentially fragile stick with no warranty just doesn't seem all that smart to me.

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there so sweet feeling, im grabbin mine monday

Can someone please explain to me why a person would pay $220 for a stick that is selling elsewhere for $180? And with all the durability problems Bauer's been having lately, to buy a more expensive, potentially fragile stick with no warranty just doesn't seem all that smart to me.

if you ask me, last time I worked and I compared the weight between XXX Lite and XXX LITE Team Canada, I thought the team canada was slightly heavier. I Dunno it could've been my mind playing tricks on me for thinking that just because it said Pro Stock.

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there so sweet feeling, im grabbin mine monday

Can someone please explain to me why a person would pay $220 for a stick that is selling elsewhere for $180? And with all the durability problems Bauer's been having lately, to buy a more expensive, potentially fragile stick with no warranty just doesn't seem all that smart to me.

As if logic was involved in any way for some people.

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there so sweet feeling, im grabbin mine monday

Can someone please explain to me why a person would pay $220 for a stick that is selling elsewhere for $180? And with all the durability problems Bauer's been having lately, to buy a more expensive, potentially fragile stick with no warranty just doesn't seem all that smart to me.

if you ask me, last time I worked and I compared the weight between XXX Lite and XXX LITE Team Canada, I thought the team canada was slightly heavier. I Dunno it could've been my mind playing tricks on me for thinking that just because it said Pro Stock.

I usually weigh new sticks. My XXX was 437g and my XXX Lite was 437g. Even if it's heavier, it can't be by much.

And my Starskie felt just as light even though it weighed in at around 470g.

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hockey shop source for sports is in surrey ,i grew up in surrey/delta and thats where i used to get all my gear ,now i liv ein hicktown(aldergrove) i have to go to mad dogs. although last year when i needed a new stick after my concussion fiasco the only place that had them was the hockey shop so i had to drive all the way out there ,but it was well worth it. and yeah ,great shop ,great hockey guys in there.

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Can someone please explain to me why a person would pay $220 for a stick that is selling elsewhere for $180? 

"Ooooh: pretty!"

That seems to be the extent of the "logic" being practiced by many consumers now-a-days. Shit, I'm too young to remember a time when most purchases weren't based primarilly on aesthetics.

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I'm not going to lie, aesthetics does have an affect on whether or not i'll purchase something. But there's no way I'm going to spend that much more money for a non-warrantied stick because the X's are different colors.

If it's $5 more for a custom color option, I can understand that. But $30-$40 more for different X's and no warranty? Seriously... "What's with these people?"

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I'm not going to lie, aesthetics does have an affect on whether or not i'll purchase something. But there's no way I'm going to spend that much more money for a non-warrantied stick because the X's are different colors.

If it's $5 more for a custom color option, I can understand that. But $30-$40 more for different X's and no warranty? Seriously... "What's with these people?"

you forgot the TEAM CANADA print down by the blade where it's supposed to say MONOCOMP TECHNOLOGY.

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I see there's an American version as well, they look pretty sweet too.


I also like these American Easton gloves in this photo...


And last but not least, what's this red/silver Bauer XX? I like those colors together like that, kinda like a reverse SL Grip.


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