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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 8k helmet

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If you wanted to buy online try froogle-ing RBK 8K helmet and then it can show you the cheapest prices online for it, or you can go to ebay

RBK 8K helmet froogle

^^there you go, you can try lookin at other places too, but thats what I came up with

Online Stores wont give you prices,the manufacturer wont allow it.

Twiztid,I paid $128 USD for mine,so it6s just the way the store marks up their prices,but i think $145 is too much for the helmet. The Bauer 5000 is alot better quality and for the price it blows away the RBK.

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The 5000 is probably one of the best helmets i ever worn. I choose that over my 8000 anyday.

8k is way to overpriced IMO.

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I hate bauers tho. Ive cracked a 3000 and a 4000 now. And i cant stand the 5000 or 8000. Also i kinda liked the 8k when i tryed it on.

Be careful though because when I tried on the 8k I loved it so much. I ended up buying it because my 5000 gave me a terrible headache. The 8k felt great for the first couple of ice sessions and then it started hurting my head again. Maybe because the foam got pressed in and stayed that way? Under the very thin amount of the squishy foam is very hard foam that is probably giving me a hard time.

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I just remembered mine was $115 when I bought it from greatskate in April.$128 is the price my LHS has for the 8K. Ya 1800Faceoff was $110 and I was go8ng to get mine from there but they didnt have the Royal/Silver Helmet.

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1800faceoff has them for 109.99

Plus $12 shipping and $5 handling charge, do the math.

Buy somethin else for $41 and it's free :)

Nope, $5.95 handling charge!

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1800faceoff has them for 109.99

Plus $12 shipping and $5 handling charge, do the math.

Buy somethin else for $41 and it's free :)

Nope, $5.95 handling charge!

I got pants to since I need them. Handling is $3.95.

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A customer had them send me a pair of steel for me to radius and sharpen.. They charged him second day air shipping. Note: I'm 15 miles from them with no airports nearby. :o The total cost of two runners delivered with shipping and handling charges was nearly $60. Totally ridiculous, nearly $20 extra for shipping and handling. USPS priority mail is $3.85 anywhere in the country. The point I'm trying to make is these internet sites make a killing on the "extra" fees they make off handling charges. You may think you are getting a good deal till you add in the fees and charges. Just dop the math before you order, that's all I'm saying.

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i found like 130 or something but they didnt have the black subshell. so i payed 145 at 24/7 hockey. Was that too high?

24/7 actually didnt have it, canceled my order. Hockey2 has them for 128. Prolly gonna get it there. Seems like a better price?

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