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New Itech Visor?

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Watching team canada playing and it looks like Itech has made a change to there optec line. Looks like they replaced all the steel with "plastic". Must be alot lighter. Does anyone know about this or am I just seeing things.

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your not seein things i saw that to last night

Now the next question is, why is no one selling them??? It's not even on there website...

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This is the first year I can remember that the Juniors have equpiment before it's released.

I remember watching the world Juniors tournament last year and several players were using Synergy SLs and SL grips before they were released in the spring.

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This is the first year I can remember that the Juniors have equpiment before it's released.

I remember watching the world Juniors tournament last year and several players were using Synergy SLs and SL grips before they were released in the spring.

I stand corrected...

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Not to mention some wore XXXs before they were available for sale, but details shmetails.

Also this year, i saw some guys on the American team using some of the 06' Stealths.

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Theres a post on this visor already, It was just going over, what it is.

but, I like this visor, I heard that the other one was too heavy, with the Metal/Cage on the top, but the plastic should make it alot lighter

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also players were using the reebok helmet last year before it came out (russia)

I think a lot of player playing in europe last year use RBK helemt and stuff.

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Anybody know if the old replacement shields will fit the new frame?

It sure looks like it. We'll know for sure in a week or so.

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thx chadd for the pics but someone said that they replaced the steel with plastic did n e one find a pic of the full version

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I was watching the USA vs Russia game the other night and I thought the replacement visors looked like the current ones out right now. From looking at the pictures devils posted it seems that i'm right.

Although the part where the visor attaches to the frame seems a bit smaller. We'll find out eventually!

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