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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for Sakic type curve with 6 lie

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I have been looking at all the online hockey stores as well as local stores and I have had no luck finding lie angles in a 6 for tapered shafts. I would like anything with a curve similar to a sakic. Anyone know of a place to check? Thanks, G

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Who makes an L2 hatcher? and where can I go to get more info on finding blades available in a 6 lie? Thanks again for the help, G


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I thought the Rafalski was similar to the Sakic, but a little more closed at the toe?

It is. The Hatcher is more like P71 but that's about as close as you're going to find in a tapered blade with a higher lie.

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I think the Fury p25 is close to a 6 also. Don't know if they make tapered though.

The ones we had were 5 lie and they don't do anything tapered.

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Sorry to sound ignorant but I am not sure what all was said in the last few posts. Out of all blades available, which is similar to a Sakic in a 6 lie. Is it the Hatcher from mission? Thanks, G

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Sorry to sound ignorant but I am not sure what all was said in the last few posts. Out of all blades available, which is similar to a Sakic in a 6 lie. Is it the Hatcher from mission? Thanks, G

See above post.

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