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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crosby's pro curve?

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I've seen it in person, it is straight with a tiny curve at the toe, but at first glance it looks completely straight

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Is it just me or does the one in the very first picture look a lot "deeper" or have more toe to it than the others? Maybe he uses different curves for different situations like a couple of guys do? Not sure....

By the way, Sven...your Avatar looks gay :rolleyes:

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is that Crosby's tongue or is it his mouthguard sticking out?

I remember when I was a kid in power skating and the instructor saw me skating with my tongue hanging out and he gave me shit. Ever since then i've kept my tongue in my mouth.

Can you imagine getting hit or something and biting off a chunk of your tongue.... :o

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Is it just me or does the one in the very first picture look a lot "deeper" or have more toe to it than the others? Maybe he uses different curves for different situations like a couple of guys do? Not sure....

By the way, Sven...your Avatar looks gay :rolleyes:

and yours doesn't?

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Is it just me or does the one in the very first picture look a lot "deeper" or have more toe to it than the others? Maybe he uses different curves for different situations like a couple of guys do? Not sure....

By the way, Sven...your Avatar looks gay  :rolleyes:

and yours doesn't?

NO! B)

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The blade must be very straight in order to get his killer back hand pop off the water bottle.

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Is it just me or does the one in the very first picture look a lot "deeper" or have more toe to it than the others? Maybe he uses different curves for different situations like a couple of guys do? Not sure....

By the way, Sven...your Avatar looks gay  :blink:

You talk about gayness?

Here you go:



He is just the sh*t !

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Is it just me or does the one in the very first picture look a lot "deeper" or have more toe to it than the others? Maybe he uses different curves for different situations like a couple of guys do? Not sure....

By the way, Sven...your Avatar looks gay  :blink:

You talk about gayness?

Here you go:



He is just the sh*t !

Can we ge back to topic, please? It´s getting way too hot around here. :D

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