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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Argentum aluminum shafts.

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The easton gretzky chromes I used to use were 440g... That shaft had variable wall thickness and these do not in all likelihood. The weight makes perfect sense... Aluminum shafts are packed with foam so they don't vibrate and that adds weight too.

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I have always wanted to try an aluminum shaft

WHY oh WHY!!! Easton (a newer company in the hockey game) is in the process of creating this new shaft made of some composite material, and it even has kevlar. I think its called the T Bubble... more to come when I get more info

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oh, that was before corebeam, EMB dats, your right, it wasn't you, i think i bought a t flex off of you or something,

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and then you broke a z-bubble, painted it and cut off the "flare" and tried selling it as a t-flex. remember that? good times.

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i got an old easton aluminum shaft, weight list on the shaft is 360g

and at $28 + $18 shipping... $48, $23us/shaft

i would never pay it

plus at that weight, a many woodies would be lighter

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What is it though? A shootout, a taperwall, a cyclone? Those are all pieces of crap that bow on the 5th shot. If it is a convex it is kind of a diferent story, but every robust all alum shaft ever made was over 400g...

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