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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wood Sticks

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Is the 9950 that much heavier? I used a 5030 with a bondra curve last night, and while the stick was great, my shots were sailing WAAAAY above the net. it seems to be quite a bit more open than an Yzerman that I've used all my life. Also, too much flex in the 85. I'd like a 100-110...but not too heavy..I have a Z-Carbon in 100 flex by Easton right now, but don't know if it gets much better than that.

The ZCarbon is going to be lighter than a 9950. I have used both sticks, but I prefer the fell of the 9950. If you are looking for light weight go with the ZCarbon, it you are looking for a solid wood stick go with the 9950. Both will work well.

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I don't mind a heavier stick, but want something that feels organic, passes and shoots crisp...etc. If I wanted light, I guess I'd go for composite. my 2 needs? Stiff, organic feel.

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I don't mind a heavier stick, but want something that feels organic, passes and shoots crisp...etc. If I wanted light, I guess I'd go for composite. my 2 needs? Stiff, organic feel.

If that's the feel you are looking for go with the 9950.

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The CCM GROOVELITE PRO is an awsome stick i.m.o.

Avaliable in STIFF, X-STIFF, and XX-STIFF.

It's a very light and quite durable sockwrapconstruction, that's got 8 drilled holes running through the woodshaft, and a fullcomposite blade..

It has several (five i believe) blademodels to chose from..

I like it a lot :)

Recchi curve? how much do they retail?

the way you talk is pretyt like a V-60 no?

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How do the Christians weigh in?  I'm contemplating ordering up some customs, but if they're heavy as hell I might as well forget it.

I'm a wood stick junkie. I haven't tried all the newer stuff, but I've never skated with anything that wasn't pure wood that had the feel I like.

Christians are some serious lumber. I'm sure they make a lot of models, but the standard, old Christian is a big hunk o wood. I wouldn't order one based on a photo unless that's what you're looking for.

I keep coming back to the Sherwood 5030 Coffey curve and it looks like I'm not alone. It's a sweet stick. I'm not sure I've ever snapped one either, put it in the shower for some steam before you tape it up and it will last you a good while.

There used to be a Louisville TPS that I also liked, but I haven't been able to find it in years. They all have fibreglass on them now.

I'm currently skating with a very cheap Canadian that is actually treating me pretty well, but next time I cross the border, I'm going to pick up a few new 5030's. They're pretty expensive down here.

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Doesnt steam ruin it?

No, I've done that since I was a kid. Don't remember who told me to, but it makes it less brittle. I think I remember even dunking them or turning the shower spray on them. I wouldn't do it for too long, but some moisture is good for it.

Used to bake and recurve too, but I got over that.

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Doesnt steam ruin it?

A little moisture helps to keep the stick flexible. If the wood drys out it becomes brittle and breaks. You do have to be careful not to get the stick to wet or the water will start too rot the wood.

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There used to be a Louisville TPS that I also liked, but I haven't been able to find it in years. They all have fibreglass on them now.

I don't think the X-Lite does, and I would imagine it's a similar stick to the 5030. I've never heard of steaming your stick, but meh, if it works for you...

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How do the Christians weigh in?  I'm contemplating ordering up some customs, but if they're heavy as hell I might as well forget it.

I'm a wood stick junkie. I haven't tried all the newer stuff, but I've never skated with anything that wasn't pure wood that had the feel I like.

Christians are some serious lumber. I'm sure they make a lot of models, but the standard, old Christian is a big hunk o wood. I wouldn't order one based on a photo unless that's what you're looking for.

I keep coming back to the Sherwood 5030 Coffey curve and it looks like I'm not alone. It's a sweet stick. I'm not sure I've ever snapped one either, put it in the shower for some steam before you tape it up and it will last you a good while.

There used to be a Louisville TPS that I also liked, but I haven't been able to find it in years. They all have fibreglass on them now.

I'm currently skating with a very cheap Canadian that is actually treating me pretty well, but next time I cross the border, I'm going to pick up a few new 5030's. They're pretty expensive down here.

Christian 1000 is the same weight as a 5030, maybe lighter because of the blade. The TPS X-Lite is also the same construction as a 5030, no glass at all.

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How do the Christians weigh in?  I'm contemplating ordering up some customs, but if they're heavy as hell I might as well forget it.

I'm a wood stick junkie. I haven't tried all the newer stuff, but I've never skated with anything that wasn't pure wood that had the feel I like.

Christians are some serious lumber. I'm sure they make a lot of models, but the standard, old Christian is a big hunk o wood. I wouldn't order one based on a photo unless that's what you're looking for.

I keep coming back to the Sherwood 5030 Coffey curve and it looks like I'm not alone. It's a sweet stick. I'm not sure I've ever snapped one either, put it in the shower for some steam before you tape it up and it will last you a good while.

There used to be a Louisville TPS that I also liked, but I haven't been able to find it in years. They all have fibreglass on them now.

I'm currently skating with a very cheap Canadian that is actually treating me pretty well, but next time I cross the border, I'm going to pick up a few new 5030's. They're pretty expensive down here.

Contrary to what Mr. Lumber says, the Christian wood sticks are hardly a hunk of wood. The Christian Pro 1000 is a 5030 clone--both have a white ash blade and both have an ACV handle. Aside for graphics and price, you are not going to find much that separates the 1000 from the 5030.

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my favourite woods were the titan ones. they were light, and just felt great in your hands. if you can find a backwater shop or anything like that that still carries them, i suggest you pick up 5 or 10 of them :D .

i broke my inno the retarded way by wacking it on the net after i got really pissed off today, so i'll be shopping for some woods. <_<

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Contrary to what Mr. Lumber says, the Christian wood sticks are hardly a hunk of wood. The Christian Pro 1000 is a 5030 clone--both have a white ash blade and both have an ACV handle. Aside for graphics and price, you are not going to find much that separates the 1000 from the 5030.

It's been ages since I used them and I don't remember the model number, although I probably still have one in my bucket o' old sticks. But whatever I used all that time ago was a 2x4. I'll look for the model you mentioned.

Titans were always a little flexy for me.

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my favourite woods were the titan ones. they were light, and just felt great in your hands. if you can find a backwater shop or anything like that that still carries them, i suggest you pick up 5 or 10 of them :D .

i broke my inno the retarded way by wacking it on the net after i got really pissed off today, so i'll be shopping for some woods. <_<

I used to use the 7500s, but found that in the mid to late '90s, they started sucking and feeling dead. Since then, the only woodies I've used are Sher-Woods.

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i got a 5030 with a coffey curve (what a monster curve it is too! :lol: ) and i'm likin it. the only thing that is really hard to adjust to is that the stick seems to wobble when i stick handle with it. does this happen to anyone else or know why this happens?

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The only wood sticks I really use anymore are Sher-Wood, 9950 or 7000, depending on what kind of stiffness I want. Or else Bauer 3030. I really still prefer wood over composite and those are the ones that have held up best for me.

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