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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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custom skate gallery, non p shoppe

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Nikolai Lemtyugov was wearing some pretty sick skates at the WJHC's.


Can't tell what kind they are, but you gotta have some serious stones to wear #66 and those skates..........

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it looks like a Nike toe cap...

Those are Grafs.

The things that look like Nike-ish fake vent holes are probably puck marks or other abrasion marks

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In the last WJC game in Kelowna, Russia Vs. Czech's I had front row seats, those skates had a Nike swoosh on the side, Not sure if thats to cover up or what? but they for sure had the Nike Swoosh

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Can't tell what kind they are, but you gotta have some serious stones to wear #66 and those skates..........

I guess your talking about when he's back in Russia, cause in this tournament he is wearing 28, and on TSN it said his nickname was Lemieux (wasn't it?)

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