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New Synergy 1500c and *old* 1300c skate?

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I search new skate for myself. And that new NikeBauerHockey ONE90 skate dosen't impress and i have some questions about Easton's skates...

First... are they best skate??? :D

does anyone know how much that 1500c skate weights (is it lighter than ONE90) ? or how much it cost's?

and why so many people changed that razor blade to forexample some tuuk custom+.

i would like to hear anything what you have to say about that 1500c and *older*1300c skate. and i would take some recommends any other skates if you have

(my English sucks. but i hope you understand what i write...)

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I search new skate for myself. And that new NikeBauerHockey ONE90 skate dosen't impress and i have some questions about Easton's skates...

First... are they best skate??? :D

does anyone know how much that 1500c skate weights (is it lighter than ONE90) ? or how much it cost's?

and why so many people changed that razor blade to forexample some tuuk custom+.

i would like to hear anything what you have to say about that 1500c and *older*1300c skate. and i would take some recommends any other skates if you have

(my English sucks. but i hope you understand what i write...)

1300 are around 500 bucks and you can't bake them, 1500 Easton claims you will be able to bake but $$$$. the 1500 should be better than the 1300 because every year this skate has been revised. :(

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I doubt the 1500 will be much lighter than the 1300. Any lighter than the 1300 will probably not be noticable because it is already ridiculously light. The main improvements with the 1500 is being heat moldable and not as stiff as the 1300 which is what a lot of people complained about.

i heard the 1300 sucked

no, the skate did not "suck" at all. Everyone I know that uses them actually likes them quite a bit, and I liked them when I tried them also. It was the most responsive skate I ever used.

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Will the 1500 be durable? As far as keeping its stiffness, i'm sure it will be because of the composite construction. The 1300 was very durable in that way. I'm not really sure how the glued material on the 1300 stayed on though, we didn't carry them in stock. I know the 900 skate's durability has done great though.

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I tried on both and would lean towards the One90 for fit. But the revisions on the 1500 from the 1300 have made a big difference. maybe not so much in performance but the mold of the upper part of the boot. We were having problems with them cutting into our ankles. Can't comment on durability of the one90 but it does seem it would hold up better than a vapor XXX

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well it's way too early to know how each skate has held up, etc because BOTH the 1500 and one90 skates haven't been released and won't for a while.

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The 1500c is basically the 1300c except it is heat moldable,the cosmetics of it look almost exactly the same, also.

I got this link from a different site to the easton 06 catalogue, coincidentaly, it is from modsquadhockey, I tried to search this site to find the original thread in which this was given, so I could give some credit to the person that posted it, but couldn't find it.

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if you need to choose about synergy 1500c or Bauer ONE90?? what would you choose?

one90. from looking at the back of hte skate, it looks like the most anatomically correct skate the ankle is totally asymmetrical, just the way the foot is.

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I own Snergy 1300's and I absolutely love them. I prefer them over my Pro Tacks to date. I find them extremely responsive and their incredibly comfortable and have been since the first time I pulled them on. If you've skated for a few years and are a reasonably decent skater the stiffness isn't a big factor. I wouldn't recommend them for a beginner or average skater though. I love the lightness and so far I'm completely satisfied with these skates. I never bake my skates anyway I wear them in gradually so the issue of not being able to bake them doesn't even concern me. I see a lot of NHLers and some of the players in the World Juniors wearing them so they can't be too bad. Don't diss these until you've tried them. :)

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I just had my easton rep come by with all the new gear today. The 1500 is an extreemly light skate. Doesn't even feel like I had anything on. the skate is a little too high cut and stiff for my taste. The 1200 is just as light but supposed to be a little lower cut and not as stiff. If i had to pick between the two, I would spend my money on the 1200c. Price for the 1500 is around $480

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I bought them and hated them. I then wore my buddies custom ones and they were amazing, but very different from retail, different liner etc... Perk of being an Easton athlete I guess.

I feel the tech. is better suited for bigger dudes. At 175 elbees I didn't feel like they were doing much for me.

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I use 1300's and i prefere them to the XXX's, I didn't feel i needed to bake them they are so compfortable and broke in really easily! The only problem i have had is the material at the front has cut up and the material on the side of the boot has come away from the carbon, no worries though some super glue should sort that out! I definatly recomend them!

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i watched some hockey shops and saw that some synergy "05 model was more expensive than synergy 1300c but which one those are the newer and (or) better model.


whats the difference?


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I use 1300's and i really like them , they really fit perfect . I first had T-blade's on my flywheigt's>> not good . When i first skate white the 1300's i was surprised how they fit my foot. They are al little stif but u get used to it .

The protection stuf on the outside came really kwik of but some glue fixt it.

Sorry for my English i am from belgium.


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JR, how much shorter is the 1300 from the 1300c is it a noticable difference? thanks

No such thing as 1300. The are the 04 Synergys and the 1300c.I have used the 04 Synergys for a year and 2 months will no problems so far,I play very competative hockey D1 HS. I tried on the 1300c and I like the 04 better.

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What are the differences between the two?

Read Up^ in JRs Post. I like the height of the 04,the 1300c felt shorter in height.

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