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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Body Alignment and Skate Alignment

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There's a pic of how much he had to move my holder over on my skates. I'll agree about having a good guy to take care of you, it's about a 20 minute drive to this skate place for me vs. 5 minutes in town, but it's totally worth it to have somebody who's trying to help you in your feet rather than just make more money by selling you equipment/service you don't need. I wonder when more shops around here will start realizing that low prices and big selection will bring people in, but it's the customer service that's going to keep them coming back.

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My wife worked for a podiatrist...I didn't go to med school, he did, so I trust him in this regard.

His advice may be 100% correct, but your podiatrist didn't go to medical school either.

True, not medical school, but wouldn't you agree they have more "training" than a $5 a hr hockey store employee? Hmmm? I'll put my money on a Podiatrist than a high school drop out.

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There's a pic of how much he had to move my holder over on my skates. I'll agree about having a good guy to take care of you, it's about a 20 minute drive to this skate place for me vs. 5 minutes in town, but it's totally worth it to have somebody who's trying to help you in your feet rather than just make more money by selling you equipment/service you don't need. I wonder when more shops around here will start realizing that low prices and big selection will bring people in, but it's the customer service that's going to keep them coming back.

Hi tokes,

how did the shop guy know how much he has to move the holder?


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Are you calling me a HS dropout now?

No not you, just a general warning not to leave your foot problems up to the average hockey store teenager.

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I think that this problem is pretty comon, like many of us have it more or less...

And if your problem is "MORE" Like me than it is a Big Exspesive Problem!


Have talked with alot of people last couple of days and this can be corrected through the skates. By shifting or shimming the holder I can create a new center of balance thus fix the problem. JR is going to install Cobra NT 3000 holders on my NEW Vapors. Have found out that with people like myself The LS holder is not a good choice (Not Strong enough) so I need to go with a stronger holder. Also I should not be using perferated blades. Again this is because my problem is bad so all precautions need to be taken. Next I am going to have the RMS system installed so it will be Easier to adjust if need be. I had a second opinion from another foot doctor and agreed with my first Special insole are a pain in the butt and cost alot of money--Shoes are one thing but was told skates were another. And I agree if this fixes the problem that is all I care about. personally I like the idea of shifting the holder but it's JR's call.

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There's a pic of how much he had to move my holder over on my skates. I'll agree about having a good guy to take care of you, it's about a 20 minute drive to this skate place for me vs. 5 minutes in town, but it's totally worth it to have somebody who's trying to help you in your feet rather than just make more money by selling you equipment/service you don't need. I wonder when more shops around here will start realizing that low prices and big selection will bring people in, but it's the customer service that's going to keep them coming back.

Hi tokes,

how did the shop guy know how much he has to move the holder?


I tried the skates on, walked on them, stood on one of those synthetic ice boards, had me stand on one leg, and bend my knee down and watch which way I started to fall towards. He'd slide the holder over a little bit at a time untill it felt the most comfortable, I was able to bend my knee further with good balance, and untill my overall balance was the best, then drilled the holes and riveted it in place. It was about an hour of trial and error to get it right.

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soooo..I've got pain on the sides, too, in my 8090.

I've had got them in my old Vapor XV, too...

My LS-Steel broke about 2 months ago and I put tblades on them.

I didn't noticed that something changed in those

pain on the sides....So I can exclude that problem which is discussed

here 100% from my problem? O.o

Actually I could exclude it, because of the facts, but I'm asking to be sure...

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soooo..I've got pain on the sides, too, in my 8090.

I've had got them in my old Vapor XV, too...

My LS-Steel broke about 2 months ago and I put tblades on them.

I didn't noticed that something changed in those

pain on the sides....So I can exclude that problem which is discussed

here 100% from my problem? O.o

Actually I could exclude it, because of the facts, but I'm asking to be sure...

What are you asking?

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If he's leaning to a side too much.

I wasnt being rude I just did'nt understand. :blink: Basically my side foot pain is on the outside middle of my foot. this could mean alot of things but for me (witch I did all kinds of tests and X-rays) means that my foot pressure is to the outsides in both feet. Even if I loosen my skates the pain dosent go away. I had the oppurtunity tonight to skate in A new teammates skates.(My replacement until I get this resolved). his problem is'nt as bad as mine but his blades are aligned to the outside and I could tell immediatley that this is my problem. his skates are a 1/2 size bigger than I wear But you can really feel the balance point when the blade is aligned more towards your foots center. Also I guess you or a proshop can take your holder off and Temp it on and you should be able to feel your foots center, by adj. your holder.?? but I don't know how that is done but I guess I will have to do this or something similar with RJ when I do My blade alignment.

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I know you weren't. He typed a confusing and somewhat long-winded post that didn't appear to have a concise meaning. I just summed it up in a short manner. Didn't mean to come off cockey by any means.

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I know you weren't. He typed a confusing and somewhat long-winded post that didn't appear to have a concise meaning. I just summed it up in a short manner. Didn't mean to come off cockey by any means.

No, you did'nt I just don't want people to think in this post I am preaching to them or being cocky. I just learned about this hole issue myself, so if I could help a few people...good. but I would like to add one thing. If you do a skate alignment and don't need it..you could cause these types of foot problems and even serious ankle and not to mention premature skate break down.

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but I would like to add one thing. If you do a skate alignment and don't need it..you could cause these types of foot problems and even serious ankle and not to mention premature skate break down.

Exactly why you see a foot specialist.

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I remember at the skate you said that you only had a few hours on your XXXs. That all happened in that short amount of time? Did the holder come loose at all at the rivets? Seems like the holders should be stronger than that. You are a husky guy, but not overwight by any means (at least you did not look it). Makes me want to run downstairs and look at my skates. BTW- Do the holders go back to normal when you are not in the skate?

The holder is designed to be pused on not to the side. But I guess some holders are stronger than other in this respect. But yes I agree I never thought that I could bend a holder just from un-even pressure.

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I remember at the skate you said that you only had a few hours on your XXXs. That all happened in that short amount of time? Did the holder come loose at all at the rivets? Seems like the holders should be stronger than that. You are a husky guy, but not overwight by any means (at least you did not look it). Makes me want to run downstairs and look at my skates. BTW- Do the holders go back to normal when you are not in the skate?

The holder is designed to be pused on not to the side. But I guess some holders are stronger than other in this respect. But yes I agree I never thought that I could bend a holder just from un-even pressure.


can u post a picture of your vapor with graf holder? So, is the graf holder the strongest among tuuk, LS and Eblade?

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I remember at the skate you said that you only had a few hours on your XXXs. That all happened in that short amount of time? Did the holder come loose at all at the rivets? Seems like the holders should be stronger than that. You are a husky guy, but not overwight by any means (at least you did not look it). Makes me want to run downstairs and look at my skates. BTW- Do the holders go back to normal when you are not in the skate?

The holder is designed to be pused on not to the side. But I guess some holders are stronger than other in this respect. But yes I agree I never thought that I could bend a holder just from un-even pressure.


can u post a picture of your vapor with graf holder? So, is the graf holder the strongest among tuuk, LS and Eblade?

This work will be done this week by JR. In this hole ordeal I am getting new Vapors 8.5 2E... those I get tuesday. I have the holders and steel next to me. I will for sure post those Pics. There is a kid at the high school my wife works at......seen them last night at the rink>>>>Sweet looking Combo! Very noticeable. But of couse this combo is because it is the best for my problem. I am not bad mouthing The LS holder by any means but for this situation it is not strong enough. Trust me I have spent enough money and the cobra holders and steel cost big $$$$$$. Edit: This is the order I was told by several well respected people in the skate Industry:: GRAF,E-blade then LS..These were the only 3 holders being discused when the guy dealing with this made a descion of what to do to resolve this.

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Graf makes the stiffest holder. That is the ONLY thing it has going for it. Everything else about it is crap. If it were up to me, I would rather put you in PITCH.

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here is a web-site that has been recomended to me by a few "experts" I am not talking about using there services but they have great information.



Pro-Skate is where I had my skates done, and is the only place that me and my friends will have work done on our skates. Good place. If you're going to the one on 170th Street in Edmonton ask for Keith, he definitely knows the ins and outs of skates.

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Graf makes the stiffest holder. That is the ONLY thing it has going for it. Everything else about it is crap. If it were up to me, I would rather put you in PITCH.

IS the Cobra holder the only solid holder?

In your opinion, how would you rank the available holders in terms of stiffness?

I'm just curious as my next skates are 709 double wides (sounds like a mobile home doesn't it?) and I will get the full treatment on them (blade alignment, radius, etc.).

The holders on my S300's are twisted because of my hugeness (290 lbs) so I'm having my doubts about Pitch holders being a good idea for me.

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