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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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watch out for the devils...

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Everyone's excited because Elias is back, they'll run into some hard times in about two weeks and return to their .500 (or a little less) form.

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they are going to start coming on big time... 4 point night for elias! :o

shute, what's the numbers for the next powerball drawing?

devils go for #8 tonight...

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<---------- waiting for sunday night baby. Rookie VS vet in the net.

Our rookie is getting faster n hotter while Brodeur is getting old and cooling off........... ( haha, stiring it up in good fun Devils fans )

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<---------- waiting for sunday night baby. Rookie VS vet in the net.

Our rookie is getting faster n hotter while Brodeur is getting old and cooling off........... ( haha, stiring it up in good fun Devils fans )

The Devils don't really have fans, just people who go to the games.

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<---------- waiting for sunday night baby. Rookie VS vet in the net.

Our rookie is getting faster n hotter while Brodeur is getting old and cooling off........... ( haha, stiring it up in good fun Devils fans )

The Devils don't really have fans, just people who go to the games.

are you kidding me chadd devils have a butt load of fans why would people go to the games if they're not fans that makes no sense thats just like a $50 excuse to go sit in big arena buy some overpriced food and catch a glimpse of some pro hockey don't say that the devils dont have fans and just non-supporting spectators

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