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The Dan Cloutier Rumor

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The rumor is that Dan was in a accident where he was drunk and hit and killed 2 pedestrians. It sounded farfetched the first time i heard it, but then i heard it when i was at the world junior gold medal from a NY rangers scout. The part that got me was that Dan owned one of 3 black porsche chayans, which the team reported missing the day of the accident. THe name of the driver was never released. After some research if this is true Canucks can be without a starting goalie for 5-10 years. Dan CLoutier hasnt been at the last coupe games for the canucks even though he was injured most players will be there...

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i live 45 mins away from vancouver and i havent heard anything about this...this is a big thing ,wouldnt it be all over the news everywhere?

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if the car was reported missing, how did cloutier hit people with it? last i heard nobody reported cloutier to be missing, unless they're talking about his playoff performance....of course now that i said all this, someone's gonna come and kick my ass and tell me i'm wrong ;)

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nooo they reported the car missing after the incident. i dont know this is only i heard i was hoping someone else could fill me in on the major details

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Today the Vancouver Police confirmed their investigation into this accident does NOT include any member of the Vancouver Canucks. This has been reported on CKNW radio and on Global TV.

There is no web link because the police don't issue statements to say who is or isn't a suspect in any investigation. They just verbally said Cloutier is not on thier persons of interest list in response to the frantic fans calling them in tears. Same for the Canucks as their PR spokesperson said they had nothing to say as it was a rumour.

Some idiot started all this on a message board because this tragic accident involved a similar vehicle that Cloutier drives. I guess he didn't know there were over 50 them sold in the Greater Vancouver area in 2005.

Please lock this thread, it's a witch hunt.

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This happened in November of 2005, if the rumors are indeed true there are some logical questions that must be answered to.

1. If it's him, why are the police covering this up? It shouldn't matter who it is, if the police know, that person should be charged regardless if they're high profile or everyday Joe. The VPD would have alot of explaining to do if they were in fact covering this up.

2. Why hasn't there been any media (print, tv, radio etc.) reporting anything on this rumour? If there is any substance to this, all it would take is a one media outlet to report something on this and it would fly from there. They wouldn't even have to name any names. They could report something like.....A member of the Vancouver Canuck Hockey club is a under investigation in the Porche SUV accident that killed two people......

3. Why haven't the families of the two peopled killed said anything? They surely must know how the investigation is going.

My take on this, the police have the SUV, there must be a mountain of evidence in it (finger prints, DNA) they questioned the owner of the SUV.....haven't charged them, so I'm assuming it's not the owner of the SUV that was driving. Maybe the person who was driving has fled the country and can't be located.

I've heard this rumour before Christmas and it seems to be making the rounds again. As a Canuck fan I'm believing in can't be true. It's been out there toooo long to be true.

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Just watched the local news and Global TV said the VPD has officially issued a statement regarding the rumour that stated NO MEMBER OF THE VANCOUVER CANUCKS IS A PERSON OF INTEREST IN THIS INVESTIGATION.

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