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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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See ya Marcus

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He'll still probably be the fourth QB taken and go in the first day of the draft.

This just got a lot of attention because it was him, similar plays happen all the time.

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anyone know the type of pro potential he has? can he be a starting QB in the NFL?

For sure he could be if he worked at it. He's got a ton of natural ability, is questionably faster than his brother, he's just a complete douche. If he pulls it together absolutely

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Well when asked what he thought about his suspension, he stated something like "Looks like I'm going to have to take it to the next level, baby." I agree with Douche. Plus I heard tonight some analysts saying they don't think he'll even be picked until the 2nd day. What a waste.

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Not really surprised by this. After being suspended for drug problems, it seemed like only a matter of time before he was completely kicked off the team.

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He was a waste with some talent but riding the coat tale of his brother....He wobbled around Blacksburg like he owned the place because of his last name, but everyone who knows Blacksburg or knows VT footbal knows no one really cared if he was there or not...So this works out good all the way around...And the younger Vick will definatlly be a flop in the NFL no way could he be an NFL QB he can barelly hang with top teams in college.

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Just another example of how classless he his...Real tough guy to pull a piece on some kids...Only reason someone in my book should pull a gun is if they are going to use it...Maybe him and Clarett should start a gang together...

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Well Ashlee Simpson went cookies at a McD's and now has a sex tape, so I'm guessing that's Vick's next step. What with his brother being an infamous herpes provider himself.

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