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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sonny ReVerb

Baking - CCM or Easy Bake?

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Hi All,

UPS is bringing me some 952 Super Tacks on Monday. I had a question about baking them. One LHS has a CCM Fit Machine and another has a Bauer oven. Does the pressure feature of the CCM machine have a noticeable effect on the process?

The reason I ask is because the CCM shop charges $20-25 (person I asked wasn't sure) and the other shop charges $5. Probably get what you pay for, right?

I've read about avoiding eyelet problems and not standing up in the skates when they're cooling. Any other tips on the baking process would be appreciated.



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i havent baked anything in those 2 ovens, but i have used a mission skate oven. i baked nike;s in them, so i dont have experience with ccm's, but i have heard that when you are molding your skates you keep them on for about a half and hour. You stand up also when doing this, and also dont skate on them for like a day or 2 after baking.

hope my info can be a little help!

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Each skate has different instructions for baking. Usually there is a set of instructions or warnings about baking included with the skate.

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you NEVER stand up when baking skates, excluding Kors.

The nike v-12's have the moldable waffle footbed, and it says you're supossed to stand up in them. I didn't because procedure at the store I buy from is not to, but I looked at the baking directions that came with the skates and they said to stand up in them breifly which I found interesting.

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Hi All,

UPS is bringing me some 952 Super Tacks on Monday. I had a question about baking them. One LHS has a CCM Fit Machine and another has a Bauer oven. Does the pressure feature of the CCM machine have a noticeable effect on the process?

The reason I ask is because the CCM shop charges $20-25 (person I asked wasn't sure) and the other shop charges $5. Probably get what you pay for, right?

I've read about avoiding eyelet problems and not standing up in the skates when they're cooling. Any other tips on the baking process would be appreciated.



The heat molding only speeds up the break in process. There's really no need for baking them i.m.o. Give them a few houers on the ice, and then go bake them if you need to. :D

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I had my Missions baked in a Bauer oven and pressed with the CCM machine. The machine just has air bags that expand and press on the skates as they cool. You sit during the process.

I don't think the CCM machine had much of an added effect, I wouldn't bother for the extra $$$.

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I found the CCM F-I-T machine to give a much better fit than just oven heating. With the air bladders it presses the skate to your foot so the boot is a perfect mold of your foot.

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