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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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im goin to toronto

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i am planning a trip to toronto in april.

are there any MUST see places? i know im going to the hockey hall of fame and probably to a maple leaf's game. What major hockey stores are around the area of the hall of fame?

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yeah the CN tower is pritty cool is you dont mind heights, you also might want to check out the eaton center, if i remeber correctly it is just a few blocks from the HHOF, no real good hockey stores but a good mall.

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I hope you already have Leafs tickets, otherwise, good luck obtaining them. I haven't any clue why you'd want to spend spring break in Toronto...there's not much to see. Otherwise, there are a lot of smaller towns not too far outside Toronto which host major junior teams - tickets for those should be much easier to come by. The Marlies are also a safe bet.

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im a die hard hockey fan and my dad wants to go to buffalo.

so i made a deal, we go to buffalo for 1 day then we go to canada

Not a bad compromise...gonna try to catch a Sabres game too? Make sure to down some wings on the way up here.

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You should check out the CN Tower.

Anybody remember when Conan did shows in Toronto and they had the Seattle Sky Needle versus the CN tower? Haha, dont know why but that remindmed of it..

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Check out The Docks. If the weather is nice, it's a great place to be.

Eaton Centre - Mall is huge.

Hit up Yonge St, but make sure your strapped and have a vest on!!!!!

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They are not that close to the hall of fame but the last two are good stores. Also we have alot of outdoor rinks to play shinny on.




I don't think there will be ice outside here in April...

If you wanted to go window shopping I would go to Yorkville. Nothing to see much in the Eaton Centre that you can't find in any large mall in the U.S., but in its day it was a big deal.

If you're 19, I would go to the entertainment district, Richmond/John St area, and visit one of the many nice clubs there. Even if you're not 19, walk around there then go for a walk on Queen St, anywhere between Spadina and University.

Ontario Place is fun, they often have nice concerts there at the Amphitheatre.

Toronto Islands is nice but it might be a little cool then.

Catch a Blue Jays game at the SkyDome, maybe a Raptors game too.

The Ontario Science Centre is pretty cool, and it is located near Just Hockey, speaking of which you want to visit the Don Mills store not the Steeles store.

Speaking of hockey equipment, if there's something in particular you want I would check out dukes: www.dukes1hockey.com, they have the best prices in the city, but with the Canadian dollar so strong I am not sure whether the prices will end up being that great. Call ahead to make sure they have what you want, because it isn't setup for browsing. If you're on a tight timeline I would skip Toronto Hockey Repair, sometimes it feels like a remnants sale in there.

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