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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Minor League Players

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Went to an AHL game today (Sound Tigers vs. Penquins) and was suprised to see that the majority of players still wear good old Super Tacks. I saw only one guy wearing Easton unibodys one guy wearing Vectors and only a couple guys wearing Vapors. No one wearing Missions. After the Tacks it seemed that Bauer Supremes and Grafs are the skates of choice. As for sticks CCM seems to be far and away the stick of choice for these AHL guys.

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They have to use CCM and RBK Sticks(but a few on the Soundtigers use XXX Lite or Synergy ST),as for the tacks most are the 2005 Version.

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Went to an AHL game today (Sound Tigers vs. Penquins) and was suprised to see that the majority of players still wear good old Super Tacks. I saw only one guy wearing Easton unibodys one guy wearing Vectors and only a couple guys wearing Vapors. No one wearing Missions. After the Tacks it seemed that Bauer Supremes and Grafs are the skates of choice. As for sticks CCM seems to be far and away the stick of choice for these AHL guys.

Well, you cant go wrong with the Tacks line of skates. One of the most genuine and well made skates ever i.m.o. It's a skate buildt to preform AND to last!

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They have to use CCM and RBK Sticks(but a few on the Soundtigers use XXX Lite or Synergy ST),as for the tacks most are the 2005 Version.

Skates aren't included in the THC deal and each team is allowed a couple exempt players. Also, anyone on a 2-way contract is exempt and can use whatever they use in the NHL in the AHL.

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The AHL games I've seen in Omaha has a pretty even mix of skates with possibly a slight edge to XX's and XXX's. There's even an official that wears Graf's with t'blades.

Most sticks are CCM or RBK, but that's understandable because of the contract. Speaking of sticks, here's a fun little game to play at an AHL game. Count the number of RBK sticks that break vs. the number of CCM's. It's crazy.

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I see a lot of vector skates, xx/xxx's and 8k's. Some tacks and grafs hear and there. Mission and Easton once in a while. Never really noticed which breaks more(ccm or rbk) but it seems like ccm.

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Last year the deal with the AHL and ECHL was sticks, gloves, skates (?), helmets... basically everything...

It was funny, I saw Ramzi Abid play in Cleveland a few weeks ago and it was all CCM, last night in Pittsburgh he was all Mission, except skates and stick...

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Went to an AHL game today (Sound Tigers vs. Penquins) and was suprised to see that the majority of players still wear good old Super Tacks. I saw only one guy wearing Easton unibodys one guy wearing Vectors and only a couple guys wearing Vapors. No one wearing Missions. After the Tacks it seemed that Bauer Supremes and Grafs are the skates of choice. As for sticks CCM seems to be far and away the stick of choice for these AHL guys.

Well, you cant go wrong with the Tacks line of skates. One of the most genuine and well made skates ever i.m.o. It's a skate buildt to preform AND to last!

Except for the 2002 line.

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Went to an AHL game today (Sound Tigers vs. Penquins) and was suprised to see that the majority of players still wear good old Super Tacks. I saw only one guy wearing Easton unibodys one guy wearing Vectors and only a couple guys wearing Vapors. No one wearing Missions. After the Tacks it seemed that Bauer Supremes and Grafs are the skates of choice. As for sticks CCM seems to be far and away the stick of choice for these AHL guys.

Well, you cant go wrong with the Tacks line of skates. One of the most genuine and well made skates ever i.m.o. It's a skate buildt to preform AND to last!

Except for the 2002 line.

The tendon guards broke for players wrapping their laces around the boot yes! CCM adressed the problem in 2003.

One bad year out of a hundred.... ;)

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