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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One90 skate for sale

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These skates are going to go high.. they have only been up for a matter of hours and they are already up to what.. $400..

I bet they will go for +$700

Anybody else want to take a crack at the final price?

I am Estimating a bit more than that. Around the $750-$800 price. I know it sounds crazy but some people will go to any lenghts to have the best/Newest skates.

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Well, if it's like Ebay and Xbox 360's ($400 MSRP for non-retarted version) and Ebay final price of ~$1100... One can only imagine.

I bet $850 finally.

Price is right rules here (Closest w/o going over).

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That's outrageous for that when you could wait not too long to get them at retail stores. Like someone said above about the Xbox 360...people just have no patience. I can see thost going for 750-800 USD, doubt they will go higher than that :unsure:

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I tried the One90 on at Onegoal show. You MUST try this boot on to insure proper fit. This skate will not fit everyone. I tried on 1/2 size larger than usual. The boot is very deep, low, low arch. I mentioned my fit to Tim Pearson, NBH skate guru. He recommended going 1/2 size below my normal Bauer size! This is not the skate to buy online. You will need to try on multiple sizes to get the best fit.

Tim's a good guy...a friend of MSH...

Actually, I found it to be shallower...most guys at the MSh skate were busting out of them.

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The right skate fit fairly well for incorrect size while the my high arch(friend of Bauer boots) just bottomed out on the left. I could feel problems on the left but it was the wrong size. I really think some guys who are jonesing for these boots will be in for a surprise if they don't fit right. Fellas, don't spend the $$$ if they don't fit right. Its all about the fit with skates, nothing else.

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Fellas, don't spend the $$$ if they don't fit right. Its all about the fit with skates, nothing else.

ZING...If these skates fit, theyb could be the greatest skate you can have, but if they don't, it could be the opposite.

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Fellas, don't spend the $$$ if they don't fit right. Its all about the fit with skates, nothing else.

ZING...If these skates fit, theyb could be the greatest skate you can have, but if they don't, it could be the opposite.

Word! You could have the lowest of the low end model skates but if they fit right you'll always beat someone who has the latest skates but a size and a half too big for their feet!

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If it's gonna cost over $800, next stop: KORs with LS2 power.

Why would you want to put the LS power on the Kor? Absolutly nothing wrong with the pitch's, in fact the steel quality is awesome.

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If it's gonna cost over $800, next stop: KORs with LS2 power.

Why would you want to put the LS power on the Kor? Absolutly nothing wrong with the pitch's, in fact the steel quality is awesome.

cause they're new...

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For all you characters who are in with the BNH reps, will these come out in Junior sizes as well? I'm in a size 6 G35/5.5 XXX right now so who knows what size I'll need..

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If it's gonna cost over $800, next stop: KORs with LS2 power.

Why would you want to put the LS power on the Kor? Absolutly nothing wrong with the pitch's, in fact the steel quality is awesome.

cause they're new...

true but new is not better.

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If it's gonna cost over $800, next stop: KORs with LS2 power.

Why would you want to put the LS power on the Kor? Absolutly nothing wrong with the pitch's, in fact the steel quality is awesome.

cause they're new...

true but new is not better.

Got that right....

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