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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bertuzzi Pro stock , lie/flex? UPDATED WITH PIX =)

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Wondering if anyone at the hockey shop knows the lie and flex of this stick? the response plus.

Was in this morning getting my 8090's heated and saw a lot of these for $149 cdn. The curve looks pretty nice but considering how tall bert is i dont thinkt he lie nor flex will suit me at all.


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gah?! bertuzzi....all 230+ lbs of him.....uses a whip flex stick?!

yeah i was suprised when we got them in.. I thought when it was going to be at least like a 100.

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gah?! bertuzzi....all 230+ lbs of him.....uses a whip flex stick?!

yeah i was suprised when we got them in.. I thought when it was going to be at least like a 100.

dang maybe ill come get one then

I left with a 5030 coffey today....but I just sold my si-core and Ultra lite shaft...only got my xxx left...so tempting for 149 lol any MSH discounts :lol:

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gah?! bertuzzi....all 230+ lbs of him.....uses a whip flex stick?!

yeah i was suprised when we got them in.. I thought when it was going to be at least like a 100.

dang maybe ill come get one then

I left with a 5030 coffey today....but I just sold my si-core and Ultra lite shaft...only got my xxx left...so tempting for 149 lol any MSH discounts :lol:

I would if I could but I can barely even get my brothers any deals :blink:

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heh no worries


easy to get to in surrey, a bit of a drive for me but I like the service and products so I don't mind the drive all too much but that means i only go in once a month or so to look around.

on a side note.....the xxx lite is errrr green at your store haha and DAMN it's $289 cdn -_- but the stealth is priced good at $239 imo.

oh and BTW for those looking for Bure Bauer Curves.....this store has them =)

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heh no worries


easy to get to in surrey, a bit of a drive for me but I like the service and products so I don't mind the drive all too much but that means i only go in once a month or so to look around.

on a side note.....the xxx lite is errrr green at your store haha and DAMN it's $289 cdn -_- but the stealth is priced good at $239 imo.

oh and BTW for those looking for Bure Bauer Curves.....this store has them =)

Bure - Only in harpoons

XXX Lite - green of course, what else? Pink? lol

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thought it was yellow lol

when i saw it i thought of the teenage mutant ninja turtles....

oh btw when I got my skates molded....after 5 mins or so of cooling the guy told me to walk with them.....i thought we're not suppose to do that?

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oh and BTW for those looking for Bure Bauer Curves.....this store has them =)

They're what? Four years old now?

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maybe jbyun can do it for us :D .

when i saw it yesterday it looked like a warrior smyth pattern but not as deep and with a little loft towards the toe. The bottom is also flat.

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it's almost similar to a drury but the loft is more concentrated towards the toe. it also has a bit more curve but not as big as an yzerrman retail.

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