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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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**The Official iPod and iTunes Thread**

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I have used AllofMp3 when I could not find a song on iTunes. Some people say it is legal, some say it is not (they say they are legal).

Of course all of mp3 will work with iTunes, you download is mpeg3 format

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it's legal in russia, i don't think it's totally legal in the US but they get away with it because they're based in russia i think.

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intercontinentl commerce baby. They claim they are paying out royalty fees, but that has yet to be proven.

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i downloaded a music video from google video. o downloaded it to the setting video ipod. it doesnt not show up on itunes, but in quicktime. how do i get it on my ipod?

EDIT: i got it.

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My gripe with iTunes is its glacial pace for getting shows off of it.

The average 30 minute show is 150 megs. How fast would you like to move that? The problem is most liekly not iTunes. I download videos from iTunes very quickly. The problem my be in your isp. Some ISPs will do whats called packet shaping. Packet shaping is where they analyze the data packets, see what it is (normal web browsing traffic, voIP, videos, music, etc) and they will distribute bandwidth accordingly. Most ISPs dont like their users downloading video, so they will throw less bandwidth twords video files.

There is a new technology out there (I forgot the name) which breaks video files into html pages which are downloaded and then rearranged at user level. Supposivly this will let you downloaded a 1 GB movie in about 10 minutes. I have only heard about it, I have not seen it.

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I dunno, two different ISPs and tried both wireless and standard, as well as one with cable and one DSL. Next up would be the wireless service here, but by then I'll be getting them in other faster yet free ways. I try to be legal but I'm not downloading a season over three days.

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It really takes that long? It takes me about 10 minutes for a 12 episode season (Ive downloaded two TV seasons from two seperate shows, and they both took about 10-15 minutes).

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It was way too long. I got an episode of the Office and it took about 30-40 mins for just one. Went to a landline or whatever and it took the same for another episode. That scared me off of ordering a whole season of anything. Songs/albums come in very fast, but for some reason video has been a bitch on anything I tried to get.

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That really sounds like packetshaping. When you say wireless, do you mean wifi? And then you hooked it up to your router?

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I meant as in going from my own network, but there's wifi here that I may look into. I thought maybe it was lag from the router but going straight into the landline or whatever it d/ls at the same speed. I have no clue what it is because if I get any shows off of rapidshare or yousendit, they come in a lot faster.

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So the bandiwdth is coming from the same source. In that case it sounds like packet shaping. Services like yousendit and rapidshare use different protocols and different methods of transmission which can make a difference. Looks like your ISP is doing some major packet shaping. Give them a call and complain.

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All right, what do I say exactly? I figured my old ISP (Comcast) would do something like that because they're known to willingly narc on anyone taking movies. Sad thing is the ISPs here are a bit of a monopoly.

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Cry that you are not getting the puplicized speeds. Threaten to terminate your service and call up the BBB. If they ask you if you are using a router, say no, they will easily say oh, your router is casuing the bottleneck (WHICH IS BULLSHIT, because current ratified routers can handle 54mb of data, and the most you are getting broadband int he us is 5mb). Ask them flat out if they are packet shaping, and tell them they did not say anythign like this in the contract, etc etc. Hark on the speeds thing, they seem to be weak onthat.

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I'll definitely see if that's the deal because it's annoying the hell out of me. I'll get bumped from the router sometimes, but even now I'm going at 54 mbps and I didn't think that was the problem.

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it could aslo be you are downloading it at a time that the server is getting smashed, but i dobut that if youve tried it multiple times.

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I can see that happening when I was in TN since that's more of a busy time, but I did one episode at about midnight AST and that's late for most of the country. I'll just bitch out the ISP Monday.

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Ok. My freind had his G5 and iPod stolen. All of his music was on there and obviously it's all gone now. I know on Windows you can copy music onto your computer from your iPod by going to My Computer and then show hidden files and so on. Is this possilbe to do on a Mac? I want to put music from my iPod onto his comp as it will save him at least $5000 in music.

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Well I kind of owe him some money, so by doing this it will pay off my debt. Haha. I guess I'll use one of those programs then.

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Just thought I'd toss this out here:

If you are dealing with returning an apple product (mine was an ipod, broek 3 days before the 1 year ended), deffaintely deal with it over the phone, the wait si worth it, you get much better service then you do with over the web.

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