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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf 502 / 502SE

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You can't go wrong with Graf skates. You get get quality and a light boot. The only thing to be concerned about is the forward contour on the blade. The forward lean gives me lower back pain over the course of a game but it may not bother you. I'd buy the skates anyway because you can always get the contour readjusted to a neutral one later on if its not to your liking. With Graf you get it all quality, comfort, durability and value for your money. I'm being very imparitial because I'm a CCM man and believe CCM/Reebok are the only skates with a better comfort factor than Grafs. ;)

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I had 2 pairs of 502's. first pair was just the 502's but the second were 502 se's. i loved them and they hold up amazingly. other then the boot not being to stiff i liked them alot more then the g3's i have now.comfert wise.

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the Graf 502 is the most comfortable pair of skates i have ever had, but like other members said the boot isn't very stiff which might be a factor in why there so comfortable

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What would you guy's say is the stiffest graf skates and what skate would they be comparable in terms of stiffness?



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cool thanks Chad, I didn't realise that they made them that stiff (without getting custom).

The funny thing is Mr Graf doesn't like tall or stiff boots. I've found the G series is a little stiffer when they're new.

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