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Playoff games

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Wow, Pittsburgh just wants to let Indy have this game. I can't believe Roethlisberger hawked down Harper. I assume it's cause Harper's slowed down by a cut on his knee from his crazy bitch of a wife.

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What a game, Palamalou had 2 intereceptions that both were called incomplete. Although the first was closer to incomplete than the 2nd.

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Indy had so many chances but just couldn't capatalize, which will usually result in a loss. I wanted Indy all the way on this one but i have to admit that Palamalou's interception was DEFINETLY an interception, then the BUS fumbling the ball! Wow what a game!

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Vanderjagt (the kicker) was the one who ripped into the team last year after the loss through the media as well, wasn't he? That Pittsburg play was an INT, but they got 2 favourable spots which allowed them to eat up alot of minutes and one missed offside during that sequence as well.

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Yup, Idiot Kicker shit the bed on that one.

Yeah but they could have gained a few yards for him, instead of going for the TD. He is supposed the most accurate kicker in the NFL, so I guess that he should have made it.

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The rule they explained on Polamalu's second pick sounded legit. I think he knew what he was talking about. He had control, that was withou question, but since his knee was still on the ground when he lost control, it was incomplete.

There should have been pass interference on that deep pass into the endzone with like 30 seconds left, too. There were some bad calls both ways. Indy had the chances to win, but they didn't convert. They deserved to lose that game.

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Indy had the chances to win, but they didn't convert. They deserved to lose that game.

Exactly, they didn't deserve it with the way they played, but it seemed like the gods of football wanted Indy to win with how many breaks they got.

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This sucks, im gunna miss the rest of the carolina vs. chicago game, but at least its for a good cause (hockey game). Hey i guess thats what they made Sportscenter for......right?

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hmm..Vanderjagt, who hasn't missed from inside the dome all year..PAT or FG..gets shafted by Peyton 2-3 years ago about his comments ...not Peyton leaves him a good ways out..and oops...sorry dude...you want me to send this into OT...nah..don't think so...hey see you in Hawaii though...

I saw how he looked on the sideline, etc..but man..deep down I think it was just a big FU to Peyton

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ok so last week i said carolina was gonna win the super bowl and everyone called me a "moron" so now do u guys think carolina are legit after beating NY and the #1 D in chicago, j/w if i am still a moron?

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hmm..Vanderjagt, who hasn't missed from inside the dome all year..PAT or FG..gets shafted by Peyton 2-3 years ago about his comments ...not Peyton leaves him a good ways out..and oops...sorry dude...you want me to send this into OT...nah..don't think so...hey see you in Hawaii though...

I saw how he looked on the sideline, etc..but man..deep down I think it was just a big FU to Peyton

Yeah...I'm sure that's what he did.

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hmm..Vanderjagt, who hasn't missed from inside the dome all year..PAT or FG..gets shafted by Peyton 2-3 years ago about his comments ...not Peyton leaves him a good ways out..and oops...sorry dude...you want me to send this into OT...nah..don't think so...hey see you in Hawaii though...

I saw how he looked on the sideline, etc..but man..deep down I think it was just a big FU to Peyton

Yeah...I'm sure that's what he did.

Yeah..... It's only logical...... <_<

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Now, I'm bummed that New England couldn't hold onto the ball. From the mid second quarter forward, they outplayed Denver, but they had three relatively unforced turnovers.

I know I shouldn't be greedy after the past four year run, but they suck you back in.... :lol:

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Todd Sauerbrun is one of the leagues hardest hitters, it's just that not everyone knows it yet... :D

I'm very happy with the way the playoffs are turning out: the Broncos went into that game completely unnoticed, and afterwards? "The Patriots loss was solely due to their own mistakes (to paraphrase pundits)." It must be the orange and blue in my veins, but it just seems like the Broncos haven't been given any respect this year, and are continually underrated...but they seem to like it.

I just hope you guys aren't too shocked when the Broncos win their third Super Bowl. ;)

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Hey, I live in Denver and have watched their games, so I knew the Broncos were a good team.

People are definitely giving the Broncos credit for capitalizing on all the Patriots mistakes -- something the Pats have done during their run. However, if you look at the game objectively, it was quite apparent the Broncos were outplayed for the last two-thirds of the game, and uncharacteristic -- and essentially unforced -- errors by Patriots' veterans opened the door for the Broncos. For instance, Troy Brown averages slightly more than one fumble a year, and not generally while making a fair catch.

Or put another way. If the Pats didn't make those errors and won the game, and limited the Broncos to under 100 yards rushing and 200 yards passing, would the Broncos locker room feel like they threw away a golden opportunity, or would they feel they were just outplayed?

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I'm a Broncos fan and counting the blessings from the weekend. Yes they won and played fairly well, but New England lost that game more than the Broncos won it. I'm hoping they get the offence going before this weekend or it's going to be hell beating Pittsburgh.

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I think I'd favor the Steelers, mainly because they are such a physical team. I also think they are a better team than their record indicates, since a few of their losses came while Maddox was quarterback.

But there's no doubt Plummer can be deadly accurate. I think the Broncos will need that to win.

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If the Broncos can manage anything on the ground I think they can do it. 75% of their passing comes off play-action and that's not going to do anything if they run as horrible as they did against the Patriots.

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