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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Payback or Idiots ?

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Last night my team was playing against a team who last year we played in a game with no goalie, therefore we had a player in the net (no mask ) , they would walk in and blst shots at him , 2 almost hit him in the head.

So last night we got our revenge, we beat them 10-2 , they were pissed at us for running the score on them, I was argueing with one of there guys after he just went knee on knee with one of our best players. The guy says ... If you guys didn't run the score than that hit would not have happened " I told him that the score doesn't give them the right to end a players carrier ?

Is this warrented or are we a...holes for running the score ?

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Even thought running up the score isn't the most sportsmanlike thing to do, sometimes it just can't be helped, if one team is just that more dominated than the other. I'm not sure what your situation is, however, as long as your team didn't cheer after maybe the fifth goal, then I don't see anything wrong with that, IMO. However, even if your team was purposely running up the score, there is no need to attempt such a cheap shot. The other team was definitely out of line.

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I dunno, I loved running it up on teams that deserved it. Sure the other team will go for the chippy stuff after that but my team had a bunch of Kovalevs on it who'd take the beatings for the extra PP.

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I think it depends on the team, we've played teams of young kids who play cheap, talk crap..so we have tried to hang 20 on them on those good night..other times..if a team is missing a couple players..are good guys..you get the goals you need early..and then let the play go up and down the floor...

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Since you knew they were a team with jackasses I don't know why you're surprised when they reacted that way. I'm not the kind that normally likes to run up the score but if you're going to do it, especially if there are jerks on the team, be prepared for the response.

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I play on a team where some of the skaters are just starting out, and its pretty stupid to have teams run up the score when its like 7-1 already. But at the same time, they have players trying to better themselves and improve so its a difficult situation.

Its just dumb & frustrating when that other team is full of former CIS players and we have a bunch of beginners and they're bodychecking, tripping, etc.

I wouldn't mind if they didn't celebrate their 9th goal like it was game 7 in OT or anything.

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Next time you do not have a goalie, just play the 6th man as a Dman that stays back near the blue line. You will be surprised at how few shots go in the net.

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