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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

PASSING THOUGHT: with the recycling craze...

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Carbon Fibre is quite costly. Fiberglass is also expensive (just not as much). SO... .these materials CAN be recycled. Why doesn't someone try to start a program to recycle broken ops? Say, $5-10 off for returning a broken ops at your LHS (provided you're buying a new one)?

The materials could start to help reduce cost for future OPS. You could use the recycled materials in the price point OPS. From what I understand, some recycled materials are even stronger than the original.

Just a thought.....

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If you know someone who can recycle "processed" composite material, please have them contact me! Used graphite / epoxy is virtually worthless. They do grind it up and use it as an additive for tires!

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is there an" SRS " site? ... I know of stick fix... mind you I'm not overly impressed with all of their fixes. I had my fixed vapor xxx break the first time i used it after it got fixed, then i got it re-fixed under warranty...hooray!

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Mikeo has it right, you can't seperate the carbon fiber from the epoxy.

Recycling is only cost effective if the materials are expensive compared to production costs. (i.e. aluminum cans) I would venture to guess that the cost of carbon fiber lies in the manufacturing of the cloth, not the raw materials.

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Carbon Fibre is quite costly. Fiberglass is also expensive (just not as much). SO... .these materials CAN be recycled. Why doesn't someone try to start a program to recycle broken ops? Say, $5-10 off for returning a broken ops at your LHS (provided you're buying a new one)?

The materials could start to help reduce cost for future OPS. You could use the recycled materials in the price point OPS. From what I understand, some recycled materials are even stronger than the original.

Just a thought.....

I doubt the manufactors would pass the savings to us.

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is there an" SRS " site? ... I know of stick fix... mind you I'm not overly impressed with all of their fixes. I had my fixed vapor xxx break the first time i used it after it got fixed, then i got it re-fixed under warranty...hooray!

SRS Website

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Ogie, I have thought about the same thing too. I am studying industrial design, and have been moving towards trying to design things that are more environmentally sustainable. Unfortunately when it comes to my passion for hockey, there is a huge conflict of interest. Frankly, hockey is probably the most wasteful sport in terms of creating waste material--blades, shafts, steel, tape, you name it.

Regarding OPS, the processing that goes into making carbon fiber is very toxic, and the material cannot be recycled. It may be down-cycled to cheaper products, as Mikeo noted, but it will not even come close to possessing the characteristics of the original material.

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