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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do you know when your skates are done?

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How do you know that your skates have had it? I have had prostock bauer vapor 10 for 4-5 years now (the first 2 competetive the rest beer league) when i push on the side of the skate I can tell they are softer. I guess as I've used them I've just gotten used to it. How do I know when the skate is broken down enough that I'm losing performance?

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When I found myself tying them tighter because it felt they had become looser over time. Sort of the way you describe your skate as being softer while pushing.

I don't know if that is the correct answer, but I ended up replacing my skates at that point.

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How do you know that your skates have had it? I have had prostock bauer vapor 10 for 4-5 years now (the first 2 competetive the rest beer league) when i push on the side of the skate I can tell they are softer. I guess as I've used them I've just gotten used to it. How do I know when the skate is broken down enough that I'm losing performance?

I wouldn't worry too much about it. You will feel when they are broken down as they will lose their support... ;)

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In addition to those suggestions, twist/torque the skate in your hands (i.e., hold the ankle in one hand and the toe in the other - try to twist in opposite directions and see how much it twists).

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How do you know that your skates have had it? I have had prostock bauer vapor 10 for 4-5 years now (the first 2 competetive the rest beer league) when i push on the side of the skate I can tell they are softer. I guess as I've used them I've just gotten used to it.  How do I know when the skate is broken down enough that I'm losing performance?

Do they hurt?

Are they "falling apart"?

Are they significantly softer and "weaker"?

How often do/did you play?

How much do you plan to play in the next 5-7 years?

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About how often you guy replace your skates.

Every year but I play 5 times per week. Most minor hockey players here on MSH get new ones every year but I know of a few that go through more than that. #94 comes to mind.

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I play 2-3 times per week and replace my skates every two-three years. I'm a light weight (165 lbs) and a CCM Tacks user. Tacks have good durability. Plus I take care of them by taking the insole out and letting them dry in a warm enviroment after every use.

Good luck.

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one of signs i know is that say you're skating backwards, with your knees bent. if there's not enough support, you will simply crumple your skates forwards and just fall forwards.

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