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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bent steel

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i just got tuuk custom + installed on my synergies and the steel is pretty curved/bent. what should i do? should i take them back to the lhs? would they repair them?

Yes, The holder is mounted torqued. Have them redo it.

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how bout if it was an new skate and the holders are mismounted, could you take it back?


A reputable store would look at it, and take it back and exchange it without question.

Somtimes customers dont notice until a month later, in which case they've broken in the skate and like to keep it. We just send it back to the manufacture to re-align and normally have it back to the customer in a week or two.

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how about if you've had the skate for a couple of years. The left blade on my XXs is slightly bent due to them not being installed properly, but it never really bothered me. I love the skate and would like to continue to skate with them. What do you recommend?

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does a very very small curve of the steel affect my skating? will i be able to notice the difference? on one skate the curve is only at the back and on the other its all the way down.


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does a very very small curve of the steel affect my skating? will i be able to notice the difference?  on one skate the curve is only at the back and on the other its all the way down.


Most people don't notice it until they get the skates fixed. Then they feel the difference and wonder how they skated when they were borked.

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I have folks come in all the time telling me something doesn't feel right. The culprit is usually bent steel. If it's a Bauer skate or Graf that someone f'd with and put another holder on, bent steel is common. Easton, Mission, and CCM/RBK have very little bending problems.

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well my lhs installed tuuk custom + on my synergies and they came out very warped. i took them back and he tryed to fix it by drilling new holes, which overlap the original holes, and moving the back part of the holder over. there is still a little bend in the steel. what can i do? is there even enough room to fix them again?

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well my lhs installed tuuk custom + on my synergies and they came out very warped. i took them back and he tryed to fix it by drilling new holes, which overlap the original holes, and moving the back part of the holder over. there is still a little bend in the steel. what can i do? is there even enough room to fix them again?

Depends how the holes were drilled and where. You could be f'd. If the idiot installed the first holders warped, you shouldn't be taking them back to him to redo. Have him pay for another shop to fix his f-up.

Putting holders on is a fine art, like torqueing a head on a car. If not done in right order , can come out all f'd up. I hate doing holders because it is so time consuming and needs a lot of attention. Make no money at all because labor to do it right takes a lot of time. That's why most shops rush and mount them any old way.

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I have a player that has bent the steels on her eastons (took a puck or something b/c it is a recent development) and I'm looking to straighten them out. We have a straightening tool in our equipment room but I'm not quite sure how to go about this. Any suggestions? I'm fairly quick at picking this stuff up so basic instructions will get me going down the right path.

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Crussell - he shouldn't have had problems with putting Custom + as the hole pattern is the same as RBII.

Forbs - you have to figure out where the blade is bent, then use the straightener and bend it the other way. The two metal pieces on the straightener must be adjusted if you need to hit a specific part of the blade. PM me if any questions.

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