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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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custom skates

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first of all, i dont want some, theres just a question.

ive seen so much players, mostly pros, with custom skates and i always ask myself one thing: Why did he pick this type of skate? At the moment i work for a german DEL (1st Divsion) Club and all guys got custom skates and so thats why i want to know this thing.

I mean, when you go custom, you can 'choose' your depth of the skate and whatnot, so for me, its pretty unimportant to pick a particular model, either its a XX or a Nike. If you got wide feet, they'll build it that way. I hope you know what i mean..

I will amend this thread later on.

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Yeah, bauer actually gives every authorized bauer dealer a NBH catalog for custom skates, you can only order top models ie: XXX's, 8090's, or flexlite 12's, the catalog lists every option you can change and or request, as well as gives information on the lasts used for the foot and a few other things...

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Just curious, why would you want the lightest skate on the market? We are all aware of the poor durability of xxx's. Why not drop those big bucks on proven skates like 8090 or S500. I have not tried any of the skates myself... Just curious.

Can anyone post the order papers that gongshow4sure was refering to?

If not, what is the average price of xxx custom's?

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im getting the XXX because of them being light, to answer the question i want the lightest skates because its a personal opinion and why wouldnt you wnat the ligest skates? and im not worried about the break down because im getting them stiffer then the retail skates so it should help on durability. i think the skates will run me a little under $600 usd

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so then can you take a vapor xxx and get them to give you the Flexlite 12 toe cap and tongue?

They won't do toecap, but they'll do tongue.

so does that mean you could get like a t-blade on a bauer xxx with a nike tounge?

can you customise to be mixed between flex.12's and xxx's?

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so then can you take a vapor xxx and get them to give you the Flexlite 12 toe cap and tongue?

They won't do toecap, but they'll do tongue.

so does that mean you could get like a t-blade on a bauer xxx with a nike tounge?

can you customise to be mixed between flex.12's and xxx's?

NBH doesn't sell t'blades, so no.

I want my skates to be lined with gopher fur, can they do that? Maybe mix it with some squirrel hide on the tongue?

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No, how do you think NBH will put t'blades on their skates?

You get a choice of tongue, liner, outsole, eyelet orientation, height, stiffness, tendon guard shape...

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No, how do you think NBH will put t'blades on their skates?

You get a choice of tongue, liner, outsole, eyelet orientation, height, stiffness, tendon guard shape...

Can I get my tendon guard in the shape of a vagina?

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No, how do you think NBH will put t'blades on their skates?

You get a choice of tongue, liner, outsole, eyelet orientation, height, stiffness, tendon guard shape...

Can I get my tendon guard in the shape of a vagina?

thats nasty.

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how do you go about ordering custom skates? i have yet to find a skate that fits my foot well...

Go to your local hockey shop and ask them.

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No, how do you think NBH will put t'blades on their skates?

You get a choice of tongue, liner, outsole, eyelet orientation, height, stiffness, tendon guard shape...

Can I get my tendon guard in the shape of a vagina?

thats nasty.

Hahahahaahahaha... Oh man...

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Why on earth would you spend $600 for custom fit xxx,s. Because they are the lightest skate out there right. Well guess what cougarscaptain87, they arn't the lightest skate out. The bauer ONE90's are. Plus stock they are the same price as you customxxx but 5x better.

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So what if, like everyone here, he has two different-sized feet? I'm going for customs at the same price because of the comfort, but I'm crazy like that.

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