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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Same one90 back on ebay?

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How did he get those? They are not even on the market yet.

Easily,he bought them off the guy that was selling them before or he is a con artist.

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He's definitely gonna choke on the openin bid price, the last guy that sold them started them way lower and still got more than that...do we assume this guy won the auction and is reselling because they don't fit right, or just to make some coin...??

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Lets see: The seller just signed up on ebay today. HMMMM. He probably doesn't realize that ebay is charging him a fee to list the item based on the opening bid price.HMMMMM. He probably doesn't realize that ebay will charge him a fee on his final sale price. HMMMM. And anybody who bids or is willing to send $800 + to a seller with ZERO feedbacks deserves the hosing he will be taking. Mr PT Barnum, step right up, here is your latest sucker..........

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How did he get those? They are not even on the market yet.

i watched mcgill vs queens, at least 7 guys on mcgill had the one90s, ugliest skate ive ever seen.

The original Vapor 8 was not pretty either. The sweat turned the silver white. We all know how that story turned out three generations later.

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A few potential theories here:

1. This is the guy that won the skates in the last auction. He created a new account so you can't look at his feedback to see what he paid for them.

2. This guy saw how much the skates sold for, grabbed the pictures, made a bogus account, and is going to make some cash and run.

3. This guy has his own pair and after seeing how much the last pair sold for he is putting his up for sale too. He stole the pictures because he is too lazt to take his own.

If I had to pick, I'd go with door #2.

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How about the sale fell through and he's relisting? Cancelled his account because of how much the fees were and started all over again?

If the sale fell through and he told EBAY of this, they would allow him to relist the skates for no additional charge, and would not charge him a final value fee. So there would be no reason to start a new account to avoid charges. It would actually cost him way way more money to start a new account, since he would have to pay insertion and final value costs on this account, and the insertion and final value costs from the original auction would still be charged to his credit card that he had to put on file when signing up before.

And this is not the same person who won the original auction. I'm agreeing on the door #2 theory.

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