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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I know very one here is tired of all the which stick should i get topics but please tolerate this last one. Anyways, Im 5'6'' and a 135 pounds i like to use alot of snap shots, but still reguraly use the slap and the wrist shot. Durability is less of an issue cause i usally don't break that many sticks,my main things i'm mainly looking for a stick that has good balance and performance, i can't afford to keep changing sticks all the time like some people might, so the one i chose has to last me till it breaks. I'm curently using a synergy si-core, RH, 85 flex, lidstrom curve, I liked it quite a bite until it started to lose it's feel (just recently), i have had it since hockey season started. I don't mind spending alot of money on a stick but i also don't mind a good deal. Opinions, comments or any suggestion on what or what not to buy are greatley appreciated,

So thanks alot, Michael

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Figure it out for yourself. There's more than enough talk about sticks already on here to find the info you need.

boy your tuff... :ph34r: throw him a bit o slack

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my suggestion is that if you dont mind the feel of composite, and dont wnat to spend money replacing sticks all the time, get a composite blade with the tapered shaft. even around a big city like toronto, tapered blades are limited, and if you go with wood, you find yourself spending $40 on a wood blade that lasts a week or two at most. better yet, look into the redlite xn10, its being discontinued maybe you can find a deal, its a great standard shaft.

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Once you get used to a Vapor XX stick it will start to be really flexy and it will snap shortly after you get used to it.

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