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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Illegel Curves

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I don't get why there still is a curve limit, wasn't the point of it to protect goalies? With the new one piece sticks that are supposedly making shots harder, why don't they just get rid of that rule.

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If you have alot of loft on a blade and i mean ALOT of loft, is that considered illegal?

No - curves are measured from the bottom of the blade. Loft does not apply.

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But if u get caught with an illegal curve that u bought from a store and u get like kicked out of a game could u sue the store?

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But if u get caught with an illegal curve that u bought from a store and u get like kicked out of a game could u sue the store?


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But what if u don't know it is illegal and u bought so what would happen then?

It is the players responsibility to buy equipment that conforms to the rules of the league, not the stores responsibility.

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how do they mesure illegal or not?

i've seen it done two ways, if you can slide a puck past the bottom edge of the blade or if you can stand a dime under the bottom edge.

Edit : i believe a 3/4" depth is the maximum?

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Referees have a gauge.

Slide a puck underneath?

Basically, if the curve limit is 1/2", you must have an object touching from the heel to the toe (bottom of the blade), and measure the space at its widest.

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Referees have a gauge.

Slide a puck underneath?

JR, would all refs have this guage? i played in a game where a guy got a penalty for an illegal curve, but this was in select, never figured out how such a low level game got that kind of call

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You can make a slightly illegal blade legal by taping it thicker in the middle. Making the call by the name on the blade is not permitted.

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