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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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BLack Beauty Lie Detector

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its a tool that helps you determine the lie of a blade

It's a tool that measures what lie is right for you.

were can I get this little tool? :D

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They sell them. There is one at B&R. You can ask them to use it, but I won't be there.

What do you mean you won't be there? I don't need it now :blink:

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How does it work again? Stand in a specific position, with the tool on the ground and it gives you a lie reading?

Right. Wearing skates with arms in certain position. Dave from BB measured me at the MSH skate, but I don't remember how he had me hold my arms. Like JR, I was intoxicated at the time (midnight in the locker room) :o

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It's Bryan.  LOL you were really drunk.

Yeh, Bryan; that's the ticket. BTW: Those spending $400 or more get "prefered" pro-shop hours ;) .

Smart ass

"Hurricane - details to follow."

NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

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Don't know what to say, but it indicated a lie 5 for me.

Out of the 10 people I tried to fit with it, one was accurate considering the wear pattern on their current sticks.

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Has anyone used this or have one? Is it accurate?

i really liked using a 5 and then used the detector gizmo and found that i "should be using" a 6. After I demoed a few sticks in a 6 lie... i found that i liked it better than the 5. So, I would say it's rather accurate, if used correctly of course!

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Has anyone used this or have one? Is it accurate?

i really liked using a 5 and then used the detector gizmo and found that i "should be using" a 6. After I demoed a few sticks in a 6 lie... i found that i liked it better than the 5. So, I would say it's rather accurate, if used correctly of course!

It said I needed a 5.5. I use a Modano, so....

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I have a lie detector, I believe it would help with all sticks but gives you the proper lie for thier sticks because they have a flat bottom. if you havn't used a flat bottom

stick because you can't find them anymore, there awesome for stick handling.

I think all little kids should use them they might be able to catch a pass to the back hand.

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